DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:01 wbrules/Rule debugging: set previous virtual cell value "1" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:01 loadDir: /usr/share/wb-rules-system/rules/ DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:01 loadDir: entry: /usr/share/wb-rules-system/rules/buzzer.js DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:01 buzzer/enabled: set previous virtual cell value "0" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:01 buzzer/frequency: set previous virtual cell value "3000" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:01 buzzer/volume: set previous virtual cell value "32" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:01 [rule debug] defineRule: _system_buzzer_params DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:01 PUB: /wbrules/log/debug -> defineRule: _system_buzzer_params DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:01 adding cell frequency for rule _system_buzzer_params DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:01 adding cell volume for rule _system_buzzer_params DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:01 [rule debug] defineRule: _system_buzzer_onof DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:01 PUB: /wbrules/log/debug -> defineRule: _system_buzzer_onof DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:01 adding cell enabled for rule _system_buzzer_onof DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:01 loadDir: entry: /usr/share/wb-rules-system/rules/hwmon.js INFO: 2019/07/18 11:26:01 MQTT connection established DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 loadDir: entry: /usr/share/wb-rules-system/rules/network.js DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 network/Ethernet 2 IP: set previous virtual cell value "" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 network/Ethernet IP: set previous virtual cell value " " DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 network/GPRS IP: set previous virtual cell value "" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 network/Wi-Fi 2 IP: set previous virtual cell value "" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 network/Wi-Fi IP: set previous virtual cell value " " DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 loadDir: entry: /usr/share/wb-rules-system/rules/power_status.js DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 power_status/Vin: set previous virtual cell value "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 power_status/working on battery: previous cell value not found DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 [rule debug] defineRule: _system_track_vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /wbrules/log/debug -> defineRule: _system_track_vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 driver: new remote device: wb-adc DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell Vin for rule _system_track_vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 loadDir: entry: /usr/share/wb-rules-system/rules/system.js Device "ppp0" does not exist. DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 loadDir: entry: /usr/share/wb-rules-system/rules/wb-mqtt-dac.js DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 loadDir: /etc/wb-rules DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 loadDir: entry: /etc/wb-rules/alarms.conf DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 loadDir: entry: /etc/wb-rules/etc DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 loadDir: /etc/wb-rules/etc DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 loadDir: entry: /etc/wb-rules/etc/wb-rules DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 loadDir: /etc/wb-rules/etc/wb-rules DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 loadDir: entry: /etc/wb-rules/knx_adr.js DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 loadDir: entry: /etc/wb-rules/rules.js INFO: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 [rule info] add your rules to /etc/wb-rules/ DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> add your rules to /etc/wb-rules/ DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 loadDir: entry: /etc/wb-rules/test.js DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 [rule debug] defineRule: check DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /wbrules/log/debug -> defineRule: check DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 loadDir: /usr/share/wb-rules/ DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 loadDir: entry: /usr/share/wb-rules/load_alarms.js DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 alarms-yaki/log: set previous virtual cell value "wb-gpio/A1_OUT has unexpected value = false" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 driver: new local device: alarms-yaki DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/meta/name -> Alarms DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 driver: new local device: buzzer DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/buzzer/meta/name -> Buzzer DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 driver: new local device: network DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/network/meta/name -> Network DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 driver: new local device: power_status DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/power_status/meta/name -> Power status DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 driver: new local device: wbrules DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/wbrules/meta/name -> Rule Engine Settings DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /devices/+/meta/name DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /devices/+/controls/+ DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /devices/+/controls/+/meta/type DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /devices/+/controls/+/meta/max DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /rpc/v1/wbrules/+/+/+ DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /rpc/v1/wbrules/Editor/List -> 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /rpc/v1/wbrules/Editor/Load -> 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /rpc/v1/wbrules/Editor/Remove -> 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /rpc/v1/wbrules/Editor/Save -> 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 esWbDevObject(): top=1 isString=true DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP -> sh: DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{network Ethernet IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{network Ethernet 2 IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /wbretainhack/11e9422e1c044acf3737454504b5e03f DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-w1/meta/name --- 1-wire Thermometers echo: I/O error DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms/meta/name --- Alarms DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 driver: new remote device: wb-w1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{network Wi-Fi IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 command '&{/bin/sh [/bin/sh -c echo 0 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/export] [] %!s(*os.File=&{0x119520c0}) [] %!s(*syscall.SysProcAttr=) %!s(*os.Process=&{12362 0 1 {{0 0} 0 0 0 0}}) exit status 1 %!s(bool=true) [%!s(*os.File=&{0x11b35200}) %!s(*os.File=&{0x11b35240}) %!s(*os.File=&{0x119520c0})] [%!s(*os.File=&{0x11b35200}) %!s(*os.File=&{0x11b35240})] [] [] %!s(chan error=0x11b7a500) %!s(chan struct {}=)}': error: exit status: 1 ERROR: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 command '/bin/sh -c echo 0 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/export' failed with exit status 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/meta/name --- Buzzer DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 driver: new remote device: alarms DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): %!s(*wbrules.CellSpec=) DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/meta/name --- Network DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): %!s(*wbrules.CellSpec=) DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/meta/name --- Power status DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{network Wi-Fi 2 IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wbrules/meta/name --- Rule Engine Settings DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 publishing new device system created while the model is active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{network GPRS IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/meta/name --- HW Monitor DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 driver: new local device: system DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/meta/name -> System DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 system/Batch No: set previous virtual cell value "v6.5A 3G 334" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 new control for system: wbgo.Control{Name:"Batch No", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"v6.5A 3G 334", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Batch No/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Batch No/meta/order -> 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Batch No -> v6.5A 3G 334 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 subscribe to: /devices/system/controls/Batch No/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /devices/system/controls/Batch No/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 system/Current uptime: set previous virtual cell value "0d 1h 25m " DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 new control for system: wbgo.Control{Name:"Current uptime", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"0d 1h 25m\n", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime/meta/order -> 2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime -> 0d 1h 25m DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 subscribe to: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 system/DTS Version: set previous virtual cell value "" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 new control for system: wbgo.Control{Name:"DTS Version", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/DTS Version/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/DTS Version/meta/order -> 3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/DTS Version -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 subscribe to: /devices/system/controls/DTS Version/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /devices/system/controls/DTS Version/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 system/Firmware version: set previous virtual cell value "201905131309 " DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 new control for system: wbgo.Control{Name:"Firmware version", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"201905131309\n", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Firmware version/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Firmware version/meta/order -> 4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Firmware version -> 201905131309 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 subscribe to: /devices/system/controls/Firmware version/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /devices/system/controls/Firmware version/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 system/HW Revision: set previous virtual cell value "6.5" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 new control for system: wbgo.Control{Name:"HW Revision", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"6.5", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/HW Revision/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/HW Revision/meta/order -> 5 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/HW Revision -> 6.5 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 subscribe to: /devices/system/controls/HW Revision/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /devices/system/controls/HW Revision/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 system/Manufacturing Date: set previous virtual cell value "Пн май 20 14:36:34 MSK 2019" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 new control for system: wbgo.Control{Name:"Manufacturing Date", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"Пн май 20 14:36:34 MSK 2019", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Manufacturing Date/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Manufacturing Date/meta/order -> 6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Manufacturing Date -> Пн май 20 14:36:34 MSK 2019 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 subscribe to: /devices/system/controls/Manufacturing Date/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /devices/system/controls/Manufacturing Date/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 new control for system: wbgo.Control{Name:"Reboot", Title:"", Type:"pushbutton", Value:"0", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Reboot/meta/type -> pushbutton DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Reboot/meta/order -> 7 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 subscribe to: /devices/system/controls/Reboot/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /devices/system/controls/Reboot/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 system/Short SN: set previous virtual cell value "AGSEBG5F " DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 new control for system: wbgo.Control{Name:"Short SN", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"AGSEBG5F\n", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Short SN/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Short SN/meta/order -> 8 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Short SN -> AGSEBG5F DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 subscribe to: /devices/system/controls/Short SN/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /devices/system/controls/Short SN/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/meta/name --- System DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/meta/name --- ADCs DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/meta/name --- Discrete I/O DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/knx/meta/name --- wb-knx DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarm1/meta/name --- Alarms DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/meta/name --- Мультиметр DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/meta/name --- Alarms DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/knx_group_addrs/meta/name --- KNX Group Addresses DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/meta/name --- Buzzer DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/meta/name --- Network DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/enabled --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/frequency --- 3000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/volume --- 32 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/working on battery --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wbrules/controls/Rule debugging --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Batch No --- v6.5A 3G 334 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime --- 0d 1h 25m DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Firmware version --- 201905131309 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/HW Revision --- 6.5 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Manufacturing Date --- Пн май 20 14:36:34 MSK 2019 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Short SN --- AGSEBG5F DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Temperature Grade --- industrial DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.80 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/A1_OUT --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/A2_OUT --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/A3_OUT --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 system/Temperature Grade: set previous virtual cell value "industrial" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 new control for system: wbgo.Control{Name:"Temperature Grade", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"industrial", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Temperature Grade/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Temperature Grade/meta/order -> 9 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Temperature Grade -> industrial DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 subscribe to: /devices/system/controls/Temperature Grade/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /devices/system/controls/Temperature Grade/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 [rule debug] defineRule: _system_reboot DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /wbrules/log/debug -> defineRule: _system_reboot DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell Reboot for rule _system_reboot DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 publishing new device hwmon created while the model is active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 driver: new local device: hwmon DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/hwmon/meta/name -> HW Monitor DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 hwmon/Board Temperature: set previous virtual cell value "41.875" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 new control for hwmon: wbgo.Control{Name:"Board Temperature", Title:"", Type:"temperature", Value:"41.875", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature/meta/type -> temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature/meta/order -> 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 subscribe to: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 hwmon/CPU Temperature: set previous virtual cell value "64.336" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 new control for hwmon: wbgo.Control{Name:"CPU Temperature", Title:"", Type:"temperature", Value:"64.336", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature/meta/type -> temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature/meta/order -> 2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 subscribe to: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Rule debugging internal value = 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Rule debugging internal value = 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 driver: new remote device: wb-gpio DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 driver: new remote device: knx DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 driver: new remote device: alarm1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 driver: new remote device: multimeter DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 driver: new remote device: knx_group_addrs DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell enabled <- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell frequency <- 3000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell volume <- 32 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Ethernet IP <- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Wi-Fi IP <- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell working on battery <- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Rule debugging <- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Board Temperature <- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell CPU Temperature <- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Batch No <- v6.5A 3G 334 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Current uptime <- 0d 1h 25m DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Firmware version <- 201905131309 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell HW Revision <- 6.5 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Manufacturing Date <- Пн май 20 14:36:34 MSK 2019 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Short SN <- AGSEBG5F DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Temperature Grade <- industrial DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Vin <- 23.80 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell 5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell A1_OUT <- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell A1_OUT DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell A2_OUT <- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell A2_OUT DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio A2_OUT} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/A4_OUT --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/A1_IN --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/A2_IN --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/A3_IN --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/A4_IN --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/5V_OUT --- 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/V_OUT --- 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/V_OUT_OK --- 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarm1/controls/alarm_test --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarm1/controls/log --- wb-gpio/A1_OUT is back to normal, value = false DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.11 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.75 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.18 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.927 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.397 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1404.72 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/energy_total --- 5339 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test --- 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/log --- wb-gpio/A1_OUT has unexpected value = false DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out --- 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1 --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms/controls/log/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/enabled/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/frequency/meta/type --- range DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/volume/meta/type --- range DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin/meta/type --- voltage DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/working on battery/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wbrules/controls/Rule debugging/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature/meta/type --- temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature/meta/type --- temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Batch No/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/DTS Version/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Firmware version/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/HW Revision/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Manufacturing Date/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Reboot/meta/type --- pushbutton DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Short SN/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Temperature Grade/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1/meta/type --- voltage DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2/meta/type --- voltage DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3/meta/type --- voltage DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4/meta/type --- voltage DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin/meta/type --- voltage DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout/meta/type --- voltage DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/A1_OUT/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/A2_OUT/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/A3_OUT/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/A4_OUT/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/A1_IN/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/A2_IN/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/A3_IN/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/A4_IN/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/5V_OUT/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/V_OUT/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-gpio/controls/V_OUT_OK/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/knx/controls/data/meta/type --- data DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarm1/controls/alarm_test/meta/type --- alarm DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarm1/controls/log/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1/meta/type --- voltage DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2/meta/type --- voltage DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3/meta/type --- voltage DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1/meta/type --- value DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2/meta/type --- value DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3/meta/type --- value DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active/meta/type --- power DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/energy_total/meta/type --- power_consumption DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/log/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1/meta/type --- text sh: 4: /etc/ DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/frequency/meta/max --- 7000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/volume/meta/max --- 100 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/meta/name --- Power status DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wbrules/meta/name --- Rule Engine Settings source: not found DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/meta/name --- System DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Batch No/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Batch No --- v6.5A 3G 334 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime --- 0d 1h 25m DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/DTS Version/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/DTS Version --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Firmware version/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/meta/name --- Alarms DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Firmware version --- 201905131309 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell A3_OUT <- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell A3_OUT DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 esWbDevObject(): top=1 isString=true DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Manufacturing Date -> Пн май 20 14:36:34 MSK 2019 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell A4_OUT <- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell A4_OUT DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell A1_IN <- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell A1_IN DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell A2_IN <- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell A2_IN DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell A3_IN <- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell A3_IN DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell A4_IN <- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell A4_IN DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell 5V_OUT <- 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell 5V_OUT DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell V_OUT <- 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell V_OUT DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell V_OUT_OK <- 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell V_OUT_OK DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell alarm_test <- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell alarm_test DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell log <- wb-gpio/A1_OUT is back to normal, value = false DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell log DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell U1 <- 229.11 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell U2 <- 227.75 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell U3 <- 228.18 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell I1 <- 2.927 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell I2 <- 3.397 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell I3 <- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell power_active <- 1404.72 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell energy_total <- 5339 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell energy_total DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell alarm_test <- 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell alarm_test DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /wbretainhack/11e9422e1c044acf3737454504b5e03f -> 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /wbretainhack/11e9422e1c044acf3737454504b5e03f -> 2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): %!s(*wbrules.CellSpec=) DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): %!s(*wbrules.CellSpec=) DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): %!s(*wbrules.CellSpec=) DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): %!s(*wbrules.CellSpec=) DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): %!s(*wbrules.CellSpec=) DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): %!s(*wbrules.CellSpec=) DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{buzzer enabled} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{buzzer frequency} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{buzzer volume} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{network Ethernet IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{network Wi-Fi IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{power_status working on battery} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{wbrules Rule debugging} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Batch No} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Current uptime} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Firmware version} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{system HW Revision} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Manufacturing Date} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Short SN} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Temperature Grade} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio A1_OUT} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{multimeter energy_total} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio A3_OUT} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Manufacturing Date} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio A4_OUT} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/HW Revision/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/HW Revision --- 6.5 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Manufacturing Date/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Manufacturing Date --- Пн май 20 14:36:34 MSK 2019 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Reboot/meta/type --- pushbutton DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Short SN/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Short SN --- AGSEBG5F DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/meta/name --- Buzzer DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Temperature Grade/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/meta/name --- Network DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/meta/name --- Power status DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wbrules/meta/name --- Rule Engine Settings DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Temperature Grade --- industrial DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/meta/name --- HW Monitor DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature/meta/type --- temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/meta/name --- System DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Batch No/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Batch No --- v6.5A 3G 334 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime --- 0d 1h 25m DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/DTS Version/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/DTS Version --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Firmware version/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Firmware version --- 201905131309 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/HW Revision/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio A1_IN} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio A2_IN} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio A3_IN} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio A4_IN} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio 5V_OUT} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio V_OUT} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio V_OUT_OK} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{alarm1 alarm_test} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{alarm1 log} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 command '&{/bin/sh [sh -c . /etc/ && echo $WB_VERSION] [] %!s(*os.File=&{0x11c0c580}) %!s(*os.File=&{0x119520c0}) [] %!s(*syscall.SysProcAttr=) %!s(*os.Process=&{12372 0 1 {{0 0} 0 0 0 0}}) exit status 127 %!s(bool=true) [%!s(*os.File=&{0x11c0c5c0}) %!s(*os.File=&{0x11c0c580}) %!s(*os.File=&{0x119520c0})] [%!s(*os.File=&{0x11c0c580}) %!s(*os.File=&{0x11c0c5c0})] [%!s(*os.File=&{0x11c0c540})] [] %!s(chan error=0x11bed300) %!s(chan struct {}=)}': error: exit status: 127 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 new control for alarms-yaki: wbgo.Control{Name:"alarm_test", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test/meta/order -> 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test -> 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 subscribe to: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell log <- wb-gpio/A1_OUT has unexpected value = false DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/HW Revision -> 6.5 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell alarm_a1_out <- 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell alarm_a1_out DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 new control for alarms-yaki: wbgo.Control{Name:"alarm_a1_out", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out/meta/order -> 2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out -> 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 subscribe to: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Batch No -> v6.5A 3G 334 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell alarm_U1 <- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell alarm_U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 new control for alarms-yaki: wbgo.Control{Name:"alarm_U1", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1/meta/order -> 3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1 -> 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 subscribe to: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 SUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 adding cell log DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{alarms log} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{alarms-yaki alarm_test} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{alarms-yaki log} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{system HW Revision} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{alarms-yaki alarm_a1_out} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Batch No} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell change (not ready yet): &{alarms-yaki alarm_U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/HW Revision --- 6.5 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Manufacturing Date/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature/meta/type --- temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Manufacturing Date --- Пн май 20 14:36:34 MSK 2019 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Reboot/meta/type --- pushbutton DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Short SN/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Short SN --- AGSEBG5F DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Manufacturing Date --- Пн май 20 14:36:34 MSK 2019 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Temperature Grade/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Temperature Grade --- industrial DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/meta/name --- HW Monitor DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature/meta/type --- temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature/meta/type --- temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /wbretainhack/11e9422e1c044acf3737454504b5e03f --- 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Temperature Grade -> industrial DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime -> 0d 1h 25m DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Firmware version -> 201905131309 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Short SN -> AGSEBG5F DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Rule debugging internal value = 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Rule debugging internal value = 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Rule debugging internal value = 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Rule debugging internal value = 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Rule debugging internal value = 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Rule debugging internal value = 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:02 cell Rule debugging internal value = 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/system/controls/DTS Version -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 adding cell data DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Ethernet IP <- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Ethernet 2 IP <- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Wi-Fi IP <- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Wi-Fi 2 IP <- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell GPRS IP <- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Batch No <- v6.5A 3G 334 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Current uptime <- 0d 1h 25m DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell DTS Version <- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Firmware version <- 201905131309 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell HW Revision <- 6.5 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Manufacturing Date <- Пн май 20 14:36:34 MSK 2019 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Short SN <- AGSEBG5F DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Temperature Grade <- industrial DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Ethernet IP <- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Ethernet 2 IP <- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Wi-Fi IP <- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Wi-Fi 2 IP <- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell GPRS IP <- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Batch No <- v6.5A 3G 334 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Current uptime <- 0d 1h 25m DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell DTS Version <- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Firmware version <- 201905131309 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell HW Revision <- 6.5 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Board Temperature <- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell CPU Temperature <- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Manufacturing Date <- Пн май 20 14:36:34 MSK 2019 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Short SN <- AGSEBG5F DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Manufacturing Date <- Пн май 20 14:36:34 MSK 2019 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Temperature Grade <- industrial DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Board Temperature <- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell CPU Temperature <- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Temperature Grade} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Current uptime} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Firmware version} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Short SN} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system DTS Version} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio A1_OUT} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio A2_OUT} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio A3_OUT} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio A4_OUT} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio A1_IN} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio A2_IN} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio A3_IN} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio A4_IN} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio 5V_OUT} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio V_OUT} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-gpio V_OUT_OK} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{knx data} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{alarm1 alarm_test} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{alarm1 log} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{multimeter energy_total} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{network Ethernet IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{network Ethernet 2 IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{network Wi-Fi IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{network Wi-Fi 2 IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{network GPRS IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Batch No} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test --- 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/HW Revision --- 6.5 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out --- 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Batch No --- v6.5A 3G 334 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /wbretainhack/11e9422e1c044acf3737454504b5e03f --- 2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1 --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Temperature Grade --- industrial DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime --- 0d 1h 25m DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Firmware version --- 201905131309 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 new control for alarms-yaki: wbgo.Control{Name:"alarm_U1", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"0", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1/meta/order -> 4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1 -> 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 subscribe to: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 SUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 new control for alarms-yaki: wbgo.Control{Name:"alarm_a1_out", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"1", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out/meta/order -> 5 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out -> 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 subscribe to: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 SUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 new control for alarms-yaki: wbgo.Control{Name:"alarm_test", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"1", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test/meta/order -> 6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test -> 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 subscribe to: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 SUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 new control for alarms-yaki: wbgo.Control{Name:"log", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"wb-gpio/A1_OUT has unexpected value = false", Units:"", Writability:6, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/log/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/log/meta/readonly -> 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/log/meta/order -> 7 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/log -> wb-gpio/A1_OUT has unexpected value = false DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 new control for buzzer: wbgo.Control{Name:"enabled", Title:"", Type:"switch", Value:"0", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/buzzer/controls/enabled/meta/type -> switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/buzzer/controls/enabled/meta/order -> 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/buzzer/controls/enabled -> 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 subscribe to: /devices/buzzer/controls/enabled/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 SUB: /devices/buzzer/controls/enabled/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 new control for buzzer: wbgo.Control{Name:"frequency", Title:"", Type:"range", Value:"3000", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:true, Max:7000, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/buzzer/controls/frequency/meta/type -> range DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/buzzer/controls/frequency/meta/order -> 2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/buzzer/controls/frequency/meta/max -> 7000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/buzzer/controls/frequency -> 3000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 subscribe to: /devices/buzzer/controls/frequency/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 SUB: /devices/buzzer/controls/frequency/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 new control for buzzer: wbgo.Control{Name:"volume", Title:"", Type:"range", Value:"32", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:true, Max:100, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/buzzer/controls/volume/meta/type -> range DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/buzzer/controls/volume/meta/order -> 3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/buzzer/controls/volume/meta/max -> 100 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/buzzer/controls/volume -> 32 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 subscribe to: /devices/buzzer/controls/volume/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 SUB: /devices/buzzer/controls/volume/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 new control for network: wbgo.Control{Name:"Ethernet 2 IP", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP/meta/order -> 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 subscribe to: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 SUB: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 new control for network: wbgo.Control{Name:"Ethernet IP", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"\n", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP/meta/order -> 2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 subscribe to: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 SUB: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 new control for network: wbgo.Control{Name:"GPRS IP", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP/meta/order -> 3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 subscribe to: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 SUB: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 new control for network: wbgo.Control{Name:"Wi-Fi 2 IP", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP/meta/order -> 4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 subscribe to: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 SUB: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 new control for network: wbgo.Control{Name:"Wi-Fi IP", Title:"", Type:"text", Value:"\n", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP/meta/type -> text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP/meta/order -> 5 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Current uptime} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system DTS Version} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Firmware version} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system HW Revision} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Manufacturing Date} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Short SN} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Temperature Grade} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{network Ethernet IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{network Ethernet 2 IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{network Wi-Fi IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{network Wi-Fi 2 IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{network GPRS IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Batch No} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Current uptime} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system DTS Version} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Firmware version} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system HW Revision} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Manufacturing Date} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Short SN} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Manufacturing Date} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{system Temperature Grade} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Short SN --- AGSEBG5F DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/DTS Version --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Manufacturing Date --- Пн май 20 14:36:34 MSK 2019 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test --- 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/HW Revision --- 6.5 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1 --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out --- 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test --- 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/log/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 subscribe to: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 SUB: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 new control for power_status: wbgo.Control{Name:"Vin", Title:"", Type:"voltage", Value:"23.83", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin/meta/type -> voltage DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin/meta/order -> 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 subscribe to: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 SUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 new control for power_status: wbgo.Control{Name:"working on battery", Title:"", Type:"switch", Value:"0", Units:"", Writability:6, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/working on battery/meta/type -> switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/working on battery/meta/readonly -> 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/working on battery/meta/order -> 2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/working on battery -> 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 new control for wbrules: wbgo.Control{Name:"Rule debugging", Title:"", Type:"switch", Value:"0", Units:"", Writability:0, HasMax:false, Max:-1, Forget:false, Order:0} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/wbrules/controls/Rule debugging/meta/type -> switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/wbrules/controls/Rule debugging/meta/order -> 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/wbrules/controls/Rule debugging -> 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 subscribe to: /devices/wbrules/controls/Rule debugging/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 SUB: /devices/wbrules/controls/Rule debugging/on DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 esWbDevObject(): top=1 isString=true DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 66.720 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change (not ready yet): &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 setting up cron DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 doing the first rule run DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 the engine is ready DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "41.875" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/log --- wb-gpio/A1_OUT has unexpected value = false DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/enabled/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/enabled --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/frequency/meta/type --- range DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/frequency/meta/max --- 7000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/frequency --- 3000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/volume/meta/type --- range DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/volume/meta/max --- 100 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/volume --- 32 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out --- 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Batch No --- v6.5A 3G 334 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1 --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Temperature Grade --- industrial DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime --- 0d 1h 25m DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Firmware version --- 201905131309 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Short SN --- AGSEBG5F DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/DTS Version --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin/meta/type --- voltage DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/working on battery/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/working on battery --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wbrules/controls/Rule debugging/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wbrules/controls/Rule debugging --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 esWbDevObject(): top=1 isString=true DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 adding cell BAT DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 esWbDevObject(): top=1 isString=true DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 66.720 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_U1 --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_a1_out --- 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/alarm_test --- 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/log/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/alarms-yaki/controls/log --- wb-gpio/A1_OUT has unexpected value = false DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/enabled/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/enabled --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/frequency/meta/type --- range DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/frequency/meta/max --- 7000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/frequency --- 3000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/volume/meta/type --- range DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/volume/meta/max --- 100 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/buzzer/controls/volume --- 32 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP/meta/type --- text DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin/meta/type --- voltage DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/working on battery/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/working on battery --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wbrules/controls/Rule debugging/meta/type --- switch DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wbrules/controls/Rule debugging --- 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 66.720 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell A1 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell A1 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.89 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell U1 <- 228.89 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.43 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell U2 <- 227.43 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.12 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell U3 <- 228.12 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.905 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell I1 <- 2.905 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.41 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell I2 <- 3.41 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1404.24 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell power_active <- 1404.24 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.89 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell U1 <- 228.89 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.43 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell U2 <- 227.43 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.12 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell U3 <- 228.12 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.905 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell I1 <- 2.905 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.41 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell I2 <- 3.41 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1404.24 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell power_active <- 1404.24 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell A4 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell A4 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell Vin <- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.84" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell Vin <- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.8 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell U1 <- 228.8 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.29 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell U2 <- 227.29 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 227.77 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell U3 <- 227.77 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.951 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell I1 <- 2.951 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.407 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell I2 <- 3.407 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.354 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell I3 <- 2.354 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1407.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell power_active <- 1407.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.8 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell U1 <- 228.8 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.29 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell U2 <- 227.29 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 227.77 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.951 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.407 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.354 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell U3 <- 227.77 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell I1 <- 2.951 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell I2 <- 3.407 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell I3 <- 2.354 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1407.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell power_active <- 1407.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout INFO: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 [rule info] Counter: 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 0 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "64.336" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "41.875" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.86 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell U1 <- 228.86 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell U2 <- 227.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell U3 <- 228.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.906 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell I1 <- 2.906 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.416 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell I2 <- 3.416 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.352 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell I3 <- 2.352 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1407.24 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell power_active <- 1407.24 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.86 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell U1 <- 228.86 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell U2 <- 227.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell U3 <- 228.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.906 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell I1 <- 2.906 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.416 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell I2 <- 3.416 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.352 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell I3 <- 2.352 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1407.24 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell power_active <- 1407.24 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell A2 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell A2 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.91 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell U1 <- 228.91 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.65 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell U2 <- 227.65 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.27 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell U3 <- 228.27 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.921 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell I1 <- 2.921 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.402 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell I2 <- 3.402 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell I3 <- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1407.12 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell power_active <- 1407.12 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.91 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell U1 <- 228.91 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.65 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell U2 <- 227.65 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.27 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell U3 <- 228.27 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.921 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.402 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1407.12 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell I1 <- 2.921 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell I2 <- 3.402 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell I3 <- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell power_active <- 1407.12 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 INFO: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 [rule info] Counter: 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "64.336" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "41.875" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell U1 <- 229 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.47 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell U2 <- 227.47 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell U3 <- 228.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.904 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell I1 <- 2.904 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.339 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell I3 <- 2.339 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1400.76 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell power_active <- 1400.76 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell U1 <- 229 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.47 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell U2 <- 227.47 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell U3 <- 228.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.904 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell I1 <- 2.904 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.339 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell I3 <- 2.339 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1400.76 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell power_active <- 1400.76 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.06 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell U1 <- 229.06 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.61 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell U2 <- 227.61 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.06 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell U3 <- 228.06 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.922 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell I1 <- 2.922 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.403 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell I2 <- 3.403 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.352 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell I3 <- 2.352 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1407.36 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell power_active <- 1407.36 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.06 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell U1 <- 229.06 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.61 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell U2 <- 227.61 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.06 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell U3 <- 228.06 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.922 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell I1 <- 2.922 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.403 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell I2 <- 3.403 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.352 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell I3 <- 2.352 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1407.36 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell power_active <- 1407.36 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout INFO: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 [rule info] Counter: 2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "64.336" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "41.875" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.97 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell U1 <- 228.97 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell U2 <- 227.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.11 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell U3 <- 228.11 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.93 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell I1 <- 2.93 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.407 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell I2 <- 3.407 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell I3 <- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1409.76 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell power_active <- 1409.76 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.97 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell U1 <- 228.97 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell U2 <- 227.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.11 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell U3 <- 228.11 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.93 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell I1 <- 2.93 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.407 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell I2 <- 3.407 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell I3 <- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1409.76 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell power_active <- 1409.76 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:37 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell A1 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.93 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell U1 <- 228.93 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.57 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell U2 <- 227.57 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.21 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell U3 <- 228.21 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.95 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell I1 <- 2.95 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.404 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell I2 <- 3.404 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.353 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell I3 <- 2.353 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell A1 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1411.32 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell power_active <- 1411.32 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.93 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell U1 <- 228.93 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.57 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell U2 <- 227.57 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.21 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell U3 <- 228.21 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.95 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell I1 <- 2.95 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.404 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell I2 <- 3.404 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.353 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell I3 <- 2.353 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1411.32 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell power_active <- 1411.32 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:42 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin INFO: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 [rule info] Counter: 3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "41.875" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "64.336" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell U1 <- 228.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.25 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell U2 <- 227.25 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 227.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell U3 <- 227.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.928 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell I1 <- 2.928 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell I2 <- 3.4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.344 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell I3 <- 2.344 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1401 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell power_active <- 1401 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell U1 <- 228.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.25 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell U2 <- 227.25 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 227.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell U3 <- 227.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.928 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell I1 <- 2.928 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell I2 <- 3.4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.344 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell I3 <- 2.344 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1401 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell power_active <- 1401 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.99 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell U1 <- 228.99 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.64 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell U2 <- 227.64 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell U3 <- 228.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.914 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell I1 <- 2.914 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.41 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell I2 <- 3.41 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell I3 <- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1402.68 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell power_active <- 1402.68 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.99 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell U1 <- 228.99 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.64 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell U2 <- 227.64 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell U3 <- 228.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.914 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell I1 <- 2.914 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.41 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell I2 <- 3.41 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell I3 <- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1402.68 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell power_active <- 1402.68 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 INFO: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 [rule info] Counter: 4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "41.875" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "64.336" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:54 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.67 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell U1 <- 228.67 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.54 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.17 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.394 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.346 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1401.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell U2 <- 227.54 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell U3 <- 228.17 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell I1 <- 2.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell I2 <- 3.394 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell I3 <- 2.346 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell power_active <- 1401.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.67 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell U1 <- 228.67 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.54 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell U2 <- 227.54 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.17 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell U3 <- 228.17 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell I1 <- 2.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.394 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell I2 <- 3.394 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.346 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell I3 <- 2.346 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1401.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell power_active <- 1401.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:26:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.87 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell U1 <- 228.87 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.37 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.11 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.946 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.36 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell U2 <- 227.37 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell U3 <- 228.11 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell I1 <- 2.946 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell I2 <- 3.4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell I3 <- 2.36 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1409.4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell power_active <- 1409.4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.87 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell U1 <- 228.87 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.37 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell U2 <- 227.37 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.11 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell U3 <- 228.11 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.946 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell I1 <- 2.946 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell I2 <- 3.4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.36 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell I3 <- 2.36 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1409.4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell power_active <- 1409.4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:01 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 INFO: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 [rule info] Counter: 5 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 5 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP -> Device "ppp0" does not exist. DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{network Ethernet IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: network/Ethernet IP DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 network/Ethernet IP: store virtual cell value to DB: " " DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{network Ethernet 2 IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: network/Ethernet 2 IP DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 network/Ethernet 2 IP: store virtual cell value to DB: "" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{network Wi-Fi IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: network/Wi-Fi IP DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 65.528 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 65.528 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 network/Wi-Fi IP: store virtual cell value to DB: " " DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{network GPRS IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: network/GPRS IP DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime -> 0d 1h 26m DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 network/GPRS IP: store virtual cell value to DB: "" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime --- 0d 1h 26m DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "65.528" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{system Current uptime} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: system/Current uptime DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 system/Current uptime: store virtual cell value to DB: "0d 1h 26m " DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{network Wi-Fi 2 IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: network/Wi-Fi 2 IP DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 network/Wi-Fi 2 IP: store virtual cell value to DB: "" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "42.000" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 65.528 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime --- 0d 1h 26m DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell U1 <- 229.1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.62 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell U2 <- 227.62 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.936 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.413 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.352 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell U3 <- 228.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell I1 <- 2.936 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell I2 <- 3.413 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1407.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell I3 <- 2.352 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell power_active <- 1407.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell U1 <- 229.1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.62 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell U2 <- 227.62 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell U3 <- 228.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.936 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell I1 <- 2.936 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.413 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell I2 <- 3.413 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.352 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell I3 <- 2.352 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1407.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell power_active <- 1407.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:06 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell Vin <- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.84" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell Vin <- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell A4 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell A4 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell U1 <- 229.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.76 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell U2 <- 227.76 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.22 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell U3 <- 228.22 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.946 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell I1 <- 2.946 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.415 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell I2 <- 3.415 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.353 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell I3 <- 2.353 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1412.4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell power_active <- 1412.4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/energy_total --- 5340 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell energy_total <- 5340 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{multimeter energy_total} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/energy_total DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell U1 <- 229.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.76 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell U2 <- 227.76 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.22 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell U3 <- 228.22 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.946 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell I1 <- 2.946 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.415 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell I2 <- 3.415 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.353 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell I3 <- 2.353 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1412.4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell power_active <- 1412.4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/energy_total --- 5340 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell energy_total <- 5340 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{multimeter energy_total} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/energy_total DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 INFO: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 [rule info] Counter: 6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 64.932 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "41.875" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "64.932" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.932 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.932 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:13 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.89 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell U1 <- 228.89 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.45 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell U2 <- 227.45 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.966 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell I1 <- 2.966 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.412 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell I2 <- 3.412 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.352 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell I3 <- 2.352 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1409.52 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell power_active <- 1409.52 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.89 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell U1 <- 228.89 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.45 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell U2 <- 227.45 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.966 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell I1 <- 2.966 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.412 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell I2 <- 3.412 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.352 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell I3 <- 2.352 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1409.52 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell power_active <- 1409.52 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:18 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.25 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell U1 <- 229.25 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.61 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell U2 <- 227.61 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.946 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell I1 <- 2.946 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.409 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell I2 <- 3.409 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell I3 <- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1407 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell power_active <- 1407 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.25 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell U1 <- 229.25 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.61 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell U2 <- 227.61 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.946 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.409 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell I1 <- 2.946 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell I2 <- 3.409 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1407 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell I3 <- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell power_active <- 1407 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 INFO: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 [rule info] Counter: 7 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 7 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "41.875" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 63.740 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "63.740" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 63.740 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 63.740 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell A2 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell A2 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell A2 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell A2 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:25 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.26 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell U1 <- 229.26 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell U2 <- 227.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.44 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell U3 <- 228.44 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.928 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell I1 <- 2.928 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.406 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell I2 <- 3.406 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.338 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell I3 <- 2.338 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1399.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell power_active <- 1399.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.26 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell U1 <- 229.26 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell U2 <- 227.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.44 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell U3 <- 228.44 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.928 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell I1 <- 2.928 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.406 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell I2 <- 3.406 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.338 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell I3 <- 2.338 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1399.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell power_active <- 1399.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell A3 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell A3 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.34 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell U1 <- 229.34 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.73 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell U2 <- 227.73 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.38 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell U3 <- 228.38 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.414 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell I2 <- 3.414 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.341 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell I3 <- 2.341 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1406.16 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell power_active <- 1406.16 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.34 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell U1 <- 229.34 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.73 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell U2 <- 227.73 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.38 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell U3 <- 228.38 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.414 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell I2 <- 3.414 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.341 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell I3 <- 2.341 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1406.16 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell power_active <- 1406.16 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout INFO: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 [rule info] Counter: 8 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 8 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "64.336" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "41.875" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.46 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell U1 <- 229.46 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell U2 <- 227.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.43 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell U3 <- 228.43 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.915 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell I1 <- 2.915 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.402 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell I2 <- 3.402 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.345 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell I3 <- 2.345 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1405.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell power_active <- 1405.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.46 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell U1 <- 229.46 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell U2 <- 227.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.43 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell U3 <- 228.43 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.915 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell I1 <- 2.915 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.402 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell I2 <- 3.402 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.345 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell I3 <- 2.345 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1405.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell power_active <- 1405.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:37 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.12 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell U1 <- 229.12 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.75 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell U2 <- 227.75 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.893 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell I1 <- 2.893 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.398 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell I2 <- 3.398 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell I3 <- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1403.28 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell power_active <- 1403.28 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.12 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell U1 <- 229.12 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.75 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell U2 <- 227.75 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.893 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell I1 <- 2.893 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.398 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell I2 <- 3.398 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell I3 <- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1403.28 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell power_active <- 1403.28 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:42 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 INFO: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 [rule info] Counter: 9 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 9 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "64.336" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "42.000" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell A2 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell A2 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.16 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell U1 <- 229.16 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell U2 <- 227.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.18 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell U3 <- 228.18 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.94 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell I1 <- 2.94 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.401 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell I2 <- 3.401 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.359 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell I3 <- 2.359 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1405.56 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell power_active <- 1405.56 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.16 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell U1 <- 229.16 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell U2 <- 227.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.18 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell U3 <- 228.18 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.94 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell I1 <- 2.94 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.401 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell I2 <- 3.401 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.359 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell I3 <- 2.359 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1405.56 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell power_active <- 1405.56 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell A2 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell A2 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.11 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell U1 <- 229.11 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell U2 <- 227.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.29 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell U3 <- 228.29 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.879 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell I1 <- 2.879 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.39 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell I2 <- 3.39 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell I3 <- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1400.52 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell power_active <- 1400.52 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.11 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell U1 <- 229.11 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell U2 <- 227.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.29 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell U3 <- 228.29 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.879 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell I1 <- 2.879 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.39 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell I2 <- 3.39 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell I3 <- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1400.52 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell power_active <- 1400.52 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 INFO: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 [rule info] Counter: 10 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 10 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "64.336" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "41.875" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:54 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.74 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell U1 <- 228.74 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.27 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell U2 <- 227.27 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell U3 <- 228.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.902 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell I1 <- 2.902 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.395 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell I2 <- 3.395 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.353 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell I3 <- 2.353 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1401.36 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell power_active <- 1401.36 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.74 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell U1 <- 228.74 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.27 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell U2 <- 227.27 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell U3 <- 228.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.902 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell I1 <- 2.902 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.395 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell I2 <- 3.395 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.353 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell I3 <- 2.353 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1401.36 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell power_active <- 1401.36 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell A1 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell A1 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:27:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:00 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.19 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 227.82 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.924 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell U1 <- 228.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell U2 <- 227.19 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell U3 <- 227.82 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell I1 <- 2.924 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell I3 <- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1402.68 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell power_active <- 1402.68 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell U1 <- 228.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.19 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell U2 <- 227.19 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 227.82 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell U3 <- 227.82 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.924 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell I1 <- 2.924 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell I3 <- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1402.68 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell power_active <- 1402.68 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:01 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 INFO: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 [rule info] Counter: 11 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 11 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{network Wi-Fi 2 IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: network/Wi-Fi 2 IP DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 network/Wi-Fi 2 IP: store virtual cell value to DB: "" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{network Ethernet 2 IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: network/Ethernet 2 IP DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP -> Device "ppp0" does not exist. DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 network/Ethernet 2 IP: store virtual cell value to DB: "" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{network Ethernet IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: network/Ethernet IP DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 network/Ethernet IP: store virtual cell value to DB: " " DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{network Wi-Fi IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: network/Wi-Fi IP DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 65.528 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 network/Wi-Fi IP: store virtual cell value to DB: " " DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 65.528 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "42.000" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime -> 0d 1h 27m DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "65.528" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{network GPRS IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: network/GPRS IP DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime --- 0d 1h 27m DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 network/GPRS IP: store virtual cell value to DB: "" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{system Current uptime} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: system/Current uptime DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 system/Current uptime: store virtual cell value to DB: "0d 1h 27m " DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 65.528 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime --- 0d 1h 27m DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.77 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell U1 <- 228.77 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.51 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell U2 <- 227.51 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 227.95 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell U3 <- 227.95 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.927 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell I1 <- 2.927 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.408 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell I2 <- 3.408 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.357 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell I3 <- 2.357 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1403.52 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.77 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell power_active <- 1403.52 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell U1 <- 228.77 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.51 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell U2 <- 227.51 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 227.95 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell U3 <- 227.95 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.927 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell I1 <- 2.927 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.408 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell I2 <- 3.408 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.357 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell I3 <- 2.357 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1403.52 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell power_active <- 1403.52 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.45 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell U1 <- 228.45 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.18 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell U2 <- 227.18 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 227.77 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell U3 <- 227.77 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.983 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell I1 <- 2.983 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.412 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell I2 <- 3.412 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell I3 <- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1407.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell power_active <- 1407.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.45 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell U1 <- 228.45 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.18 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell U2 <- 227.18 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 227.77 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.983 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.412 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1407.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell U3 <- 227.77 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell I1 <- 2.983 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell I2 <- 3.412 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell I3 <- 2.347 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell power_active <- 1407.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 INFO: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 [rule info] Counter: 12 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 12 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "41.875" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "64.336" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:13 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.76 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell U1 <- 228.76 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.36 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell U2 <- 227.36 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 227.74 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell U3 <- 227.74 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.965 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell I1 <- 2.965 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.407 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell I2 <- 3.407 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell I3 <- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1410.12 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell power_active <- 1410.12 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.76 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell U1 <- 228.76 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.36 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell U2 <- 227.36 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 227.74 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell U3 <- 227.74 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.965 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell I1 <- 2.965 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.407 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell I2 <- 3.407 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell I3 <- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1410.12 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell power_active <- 1410.12 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell A3 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell A3 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:20 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.56 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell U1 <- 228.56 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.43 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell U2 <- 227.43 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 227.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell U3 <- 227.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.947 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell I1 <- 2.947 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.409 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell I2 <- 3.409 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.354 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell I3 <- 2.354 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1402.44 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell power_active <- 1402.44 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.56 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell U1 <- 228.56 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.43 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell U2 <- 227.43 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 227.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell U3 <- 227.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.947 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell I1 <- 2.947 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.409 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell I2 <- 3.409 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.354 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell I3 <- 2.354 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1402.44 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell power_active <- 1402.44 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell A4 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell A4 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 INFO: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 [rule info] Counter: 13 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 13 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 63.740 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "63.740" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 63.740 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "42.000" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 63.740 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:25 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell U1 <- 228.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.41 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell U2 <- 227.41 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 227.98 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell U3 <- 227.98 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.957 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell I1 <- 2.957 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.425 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell I2 <- 3.425 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell I3 <- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1404 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell power_active <- 1404 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell U1 <- 228.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.41 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell U2 <- 227.41 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 227.98 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell U3 <- 227.98 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.957 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell I1 <- 2.957 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.425 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell I2 <- 3.425 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell I3 <- 2.351 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1404 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell power_active <- 1404 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.24 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell U1 <- 229.24 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.78 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell U2 <- 227.78 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.23 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell U3 <- 228.23 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.932 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell I1 <- 2.932 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.421 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell I2 <- 3.421 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.356 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell I3 <- 2.356 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1405.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell power_active <- 1405.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.24 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell U1 <- 229.24 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.78 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell U2 <- 227.78 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.23 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell U3 <- 228.23 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.932 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell I1 <- 2.932 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.421 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell I2 <- 3.421 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.356 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell I3 <- 2.356 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1405.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell power_active <- 1405.92 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 INFO: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 [rule info] Counter: 14 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 14 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "42.000" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "64.336" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.31 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell U1 <- 229.31 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 228.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell U2 <- 228.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.73 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell U3 <- 228.73 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.983 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell I1 <- 2.983 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.397 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell I2 <- 3.397 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.369 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell I3 <- 2.369 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1417.08 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell power_active <- 1417.08 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.31 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell U1 <- 229.31 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 228.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell U2 <- 228.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.73 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell U3 <- 228.73 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.983 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell I1 <- 2.983 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.397 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell I2 <- 3.397 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.369 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell I3 <- 2.369 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1417.08 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell power_active <- 1417.08 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.46 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell U1 <- 229.46 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell U2 <- 227.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.47 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell U3 <- 228.47 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.918 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell I1 <- 2.918 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.366 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell I3 <- 2.366 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1406.16 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell power_active <- 1406.16 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.46 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell U1 <- 229.46 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell U2 <- 227.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.47 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell U3 <- 228.47 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.918 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell I1 <- 2.918 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.366 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell I3 <- 2.366 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1406.16 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell power_active <- 1406.16 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 INFO: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 [rule info] Counter: 15 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 15 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "64.336" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "41.875" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell U1 <- 229.2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 228.06 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell U2 <- 228.06 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.64 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell U3 <- 228.64 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.953 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell I1 <- 2.953 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.372 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell I3 <- 2.372 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1404.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell power_active <- 1404.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell U1 <- 229.2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 228.06 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell U2 <- 228.06 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.64 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell U3 <- 228.64 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.953 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell I1 <- 2.953 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.372 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell I3 <- 2.372 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1404.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell power_active <- 1404.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.33 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell U1 <- 229.33 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell U2 <- 227.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.38 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell U3 <- 228.38 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.975 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell I1 <- 2.975 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.412 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell I2 <- 3.412 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.362 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell I3 <- 2.362 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1411.68 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell power_active <- 1411.68 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.33 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell U1 <- 229.33 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell U2 <- 227.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.38 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell U3 <- 228.38 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.975 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell I1 <- 2.975 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.412 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell I2 <- 3.412 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.362 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell I3 <- 2.362 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1411.68 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell power_active <- 1411.68 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:51 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:52 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 INFO: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 [rule info] Counter: 16 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 16 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "42.000" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "64.336" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell A2 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell A2 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:53 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:54 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:55 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell Vin <- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.84" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.24 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell U1 <- 229.24 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.98 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.58 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.948 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.409 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell U2 <- 227.98 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell U3 <- 228.58 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell I1 <- 2.948 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell I2 <- 3.409 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.37 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1411.44 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell I3 <- 2.37 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell Vin <- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell power_active <- 1411.44 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.24 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.98 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.58 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell U1 <- 229.24 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell U2 <- 227.98 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell U3 <- 228.58 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.948 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell I1 <- 2.948 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.409 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell I2 <- 3.409 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.37 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell I3 <- 2.37 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1411.44 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell power_active <- 1411.44 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:56 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell A2 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell A2 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:57 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:58 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell A1 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell A1 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:28:59 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell A4 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell A4 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:00 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.22 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell U1 <- 229.22 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 228 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell U2 <- 228 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.37 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell U3 <- 228.37 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.957 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell I1 <- 2.957 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.396 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell I2 <- 3.396 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.398 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell I3 <- 2.398 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1416 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell power_active <- 1416 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.22 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell U1 <- 229.22 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 228 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell U2 <- 228 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.37 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell U3 <- 228.37 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.957 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell I1 <- 2.957 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.396 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell I2 <- 3.396 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.398 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell I3 <- 2.398 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1416 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell power_active <- 1416 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:01 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:02 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 INFO: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 [rule info] Counter: 17 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 17 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 Device "ppp0" does not exist. DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 PUB: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime -> 0d 1h 28m DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{system Current uptime} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: system/Current uptime DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 system/Current uptime: store virtual cell value to DB: "0d 1h 28m " DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime --- 0d 1h 28m DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{network GPRS IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: network/GPRS IP DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 network/GPRS IP: store virtual cell value to DB: "" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{network Ethernet IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: network/Ethernet IP DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 PUB: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP -> DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 network/Ethernet IP: store virtual cell value to DB: " " DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{network Ethernet 2 IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: network/Ethernet 2 IP DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 network/Ethernet 2 IP: store virtual cell value to DB: "" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{network Wi-Fi 2 IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: network/Wi-Fi 2 IP DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 network/Wi-Fi 2 IP: store virtual cell value to DB: "" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{network Wi-Fi IP} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: network/Wi-Fi IP DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 network/Wi-Fi IP: store virtual cell value to DB: " " DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 65.528 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 65.528 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "42.000" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "65.528" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/system/controls/Current uptime --- 0d 1h 28m DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/GPRS IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell A2 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Ethernet 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi 2 IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/network/controls/Wi-Fi IP --- DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 65.528 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell A2 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:03 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:04 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:05 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.16 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell U1 <- 229.16 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.7 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell U2 <- 227.7 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.29 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell U3 <- 228.29 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.966 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell I1 <- 2.966 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.402 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell I2 <- 3.402 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.234 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell I3 <- 2.234 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1377.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell power_active <- 1377.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.16 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell U1 <- 229.16 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.7 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell U2 <- 227.7 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.29 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell U3 <- 228.29 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.966 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell I1 <- 2.966 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.402 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell I2 <- 3.402 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.234 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell I3 <- 2.234 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1377.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell power_active <- 1377.6 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:06 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:07 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:08 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:09 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.80 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell Vin <- 23.80 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.80 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.80 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.80 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.80 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.8 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.8" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.8 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.80 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell Vin <- 23.80 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell Vin internal value = 23.80 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:10 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.8 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell U1 <- 228.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.78 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell U2 <- 227.78 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.27 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell U3 <- 228.27 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.978 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell I1 <- 2.978 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.408 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell I2 <- 3.408 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.201 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell I3 <- 2.201 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1370.28 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell power_active <- 1370.28 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 228.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell U1 <- 228.96 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.78 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell U2 <- 227.78 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.27 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell U3 <- 228.27 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.978 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.408 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.201 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1370.28 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell I1 <- 2.978 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell I2 <- 3.408 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell I3 <- 2.201 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell power_active <- 1370.28 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:11 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:12 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 INFO: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 [rule info] Counter: 18 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 18 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "42.000" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "64.336" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:13 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:14 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:15 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.34 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell U1 <- 229.34 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.88 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell U2 <- 227.88 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.37 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell U3 <- 228.37 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.914 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell I1 <- 2.914 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.409 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell I2 <- 3.409 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.212 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell I3 <- 2.212 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1368.72 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell power_active <- 1368.72 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.34 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell U1 <- 229.34 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.88 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell U2 <- 227.88 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.37 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell U3 <- 228.37 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.914 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell I1 <- 2.914 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.409 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.212 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1368.72 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell I2 <- 3.409 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell I3 <- 2.212 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell power_active <- 1368.72 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:16 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:17 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:18 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:19 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:20 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.07 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell U1 <- 229.07 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.89 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell U2 <- 227.89 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.47 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell U3 <- 228.47 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.942 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell I1 <- 2.942 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.388 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell I2 <- 3.388 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.215 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell I3 <- 2.215 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1369.32 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell power_active <- 1369.32 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.07 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell U1 <- 229.07 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.89 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell U2 <- 227.89 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.47 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell U3 <- 228.47 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.942 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell I1 <- 2.942 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.388 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.215 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1369.32 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell I2 <- 3.388 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell I3 <- 2.215 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell power_active <- 1369.32 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:21 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:22 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 INFO: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 [rule info] Counter: 19 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 19 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "41.875" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "64.336" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 41.875 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:23 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:24 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:25 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.41 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell U1 <- 229.41 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.98 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell U2 <- 227.98 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.904 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell I1 <- 2.904 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.725 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell I2 <- 3.725 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.204 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell I3 <- 2.204 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1432.56 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell power_active <- 1432.56 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.41 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell U1 <- 229.41 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.98 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell U2 <- 227.98 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.904 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell I1 <- 2.904 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.725 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell I2 <- 3.725 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.204 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell I3 <- 2.204 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1432.56 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell power_active <- 1432.56 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell Vin <- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.84" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell Vin <- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell Vin internal value = 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.84 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:26 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:27 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:28 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:29 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell A2 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell A2 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:30 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.25 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell U1 <- 229.25 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.77 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell U2 <- 227.77 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.987 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell I1 <- 2.987 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.738 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell I2 <- 3.738 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.207 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell I3 <- 2.207 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1441.08 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell power_active <- 1441.08 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.25 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell U1 <- 229.25 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 227.77 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell U2 <- 227.77 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.987 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell I1 <- 2.987 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.738 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell I2 <- 3.738 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.207 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell I3 <- 2.207 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1441.08 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell power_active <- 1441.08 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:31 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:32 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 INFO: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 [rule info] Counter: 20 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 20 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "64.336" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "42.000" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:33 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:34 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:35 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.43 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell U1 <- 229.43 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 228.17 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell U2 <- 228.17 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.69 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell U3 <- 228.69 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.94 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell I1 <- 2.94 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.74 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell I2 <- 3.74 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.213 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell I3 <- 2.213 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1441.68 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell power_active <- 1441.68 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.43 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell U1 <- 229.43 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 228.17 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell U2 <- 228.17 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.69 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell U3 <- 228.69 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.94 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell I1 <- 2.94 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.74 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell I2 <- 3.74 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.213 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell I3 <- 2.213 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1441.68 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell power_active <- 1441.68 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:36 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:37 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:38 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell A3 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell A3 <- 0.02 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:39 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:40 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.62 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell U1 <- 229.62 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 228.15 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell U2 <- 228.15 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.61 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell U3 <- 228.61 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.928 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell I1 <- 2.928 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.726 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell I2 <- 3.726 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.206 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell I3 <- 2.206 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1433.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell power_active <- 1433.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.62 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell U1 <- 229.62 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 228.15 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell U2 <- 228.15 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.61 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell U3 <- 228.61 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.928 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell I1 <- 2.928 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.726 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell I2 <- 3.726 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I3 --- 2.206 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell I3 <- 2.206 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{multimeter I3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1433.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell power_active <- 1433.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:41 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell A4 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:42 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 INFO: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 [rule info] Counter: 21 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 PUB: /wbrules/log/info -> Counter: 21 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature -> 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{hwmon Board Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/Board Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 PUB: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature -> 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 hwmon/Board Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "42.000" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{hwmon CPU Temperature} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: hwmon/CPU Temperature DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 hwmon/CPU Temperature: store virtual cell value to DB: "64.336" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/Board Temperature --- 42.000 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/hwmon/controls/CPU Temperature --- 64.336 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:43 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:44 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell A3 <- 0.00 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:45 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.44 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell U1 <- 229.44 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 228.09 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell U2 <- 228.09 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.67 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell U3 <- 228.67 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.927 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell I1 <- 2.927 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.728 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell I2 <- 3.728 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1441.2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell power_active <- 1441.2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U1 --- 229.44 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell U1 <- 229.44 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{multimeter U1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U2 --- 228.09 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell U2 <- 228.09 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{multimeter U2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/U3 --- 228.67 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell U3 <- 228.67 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{multimeter U3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/U3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I1 --- 2.927 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell I1 <- 2.927 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{multimeter I1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/I2 --- 3.728 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell I2 <- 3.728 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{multimeter I2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/I2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/multimeter/controls/power_active --- 1441.2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell power_active <- 1441.2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{multimeter power_active} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: multimeter/power_active DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.81" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:46 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell Vin <- 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell Vin internal value = 23.81 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell 5Vout <- 5.03 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:47 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell BAT internal value = DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 PUB: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin -> 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell change: &{power_status Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: power_status/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 power_status/Vin: store virtual cell value to DB: "23.83" DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/power_status/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:48 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A2 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell A2 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A2} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A2 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A3 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell A3 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A3} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A3 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A4 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell A4 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc A4} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A4 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:49 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:50 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/Vin --- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:50 cell Vin <- 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:50 cell change: &{wb-adc Vin} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/Vin DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:50 cell Vin internal value = 23.83 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:50 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:50 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/5Vout --- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:50 cell 5Vout <- 5.04 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:50 cell change: &{wb-adc 5Vout} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/5Vout DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:50 GOT MESSAGE: /devices/wb-adc/controls/A1 --- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:50 cell A1 <- 0.01 DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:50 cell change: &{wb-adc A1} DEBUG: 2019/07/18 11:29:50 rule engine: running rules after cell change: wb-adc/A1