modbus_client --debug -mrtu -b57600 -pnone -s1 /dev/ttyRS485-2 -a46 -t0x03 -r200
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 57600 bauds (N, 8, 1)
Waiting for a confirmation...
ERROR Illegal data address
ERROR occured!
modbus_client --debug -mrtu -b57600 -pnone -s1 /dev/ttyRS485-2 -a46 -t0x03 -r201
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 57600 bauds (N, 8, 1)
Waiting for a confirmation...
SUCCESS: read 1 of elements:
Data: 0x0002
modbus_client --debug -mrtu -b57600 -pnone -s1 /dev/ttyRS485-2 -a46 -t0x03 -r202
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 57600 bauds (N, 8, 1)
Waiting for a confirmation...
SUCCESS: read 1 of elements:
Data: 0x0001
modbus_client --debug -mrtu -b57600 -pnone -s1 /dev/ttyRS485-2 -a46 -t0x03 -r203
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 57600 bauds (N, 8, 1)
Waiting for a confirmation...
SUCCESS: read 1 of elements:
Data: 0x0000
modbus_client --debug -mrtu -b57600 -pnone -s1 /dev/ttyRS485-2 -a46 -t0x03 -r204
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 57600 bauds (N, 8, 1)
Waiting for a confirmation...
SUCCESS: read 1 of elements:
Data: 0x0000
modbus_client --debug -mrtu -b57600 -pnone -s1 /dev/ttyRS485-2 -a46 -t0x03 -r205
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 57600 bauds (N, 8, 1)
Waiting for a confirmation...
ERROR Illegal data address
ERROR occured!