Добрый день!
Помогите, пожалуйста, правильно написать скрипт для отработки разных типов нажатий кнопки.
Дано: WB 6.6.0, свет подключен к WB-MR-6C - выход K5, к входу Input 5 подключена кнопка без фиксации, двигатель штор подключен к WBIO-DO-R10R-4 (контролы - wb-gpio/EXT1_DIR3, wb-gpio/EXT1_ON3).
Требуется: при одинарном нажатии включать выход К5, при двойном нажатии открывать шторы, если закрыты и закрывать, если открыты).
Что делал:
Остановил MQTT:
service wb-mqtt-serial stop
Отключил взаимодействие входа Input 5 с выходом K5:
modbus_client --debug -mrtu -pnone -s2 /dev/ttyRS485-1 -a48 -t0x03 -r13 3
Нашел скрипт от @almo
'use strict';
var ActionButtons = {};
* Version: 0.3
* Function that identifies what kind of press was performed: single, double or long press;
* and assigns an action for each type of press.
* @param {string} trigger - Name of device and control in the following format: "<device>/<control>".
* @param {object} action - Defines actions to be taken for each type of button press.
* Key: "singlePress" or "doublePress" or "triplePress" or "longPress" or "longRelease".
* Value: Object of the following structure {func: <function name>, prop: <array of parameters to be passed>}
* Example:
* {
* singlePress: {func: myFunc1, prop: ["wb-mr6c_1", "K1"]},
* doublePress: {func: myFunc2, prop: ["wb-mrgbw-d_2", "RGB", "255;177;85"]},
* triplePress: {func: myFunc3, prop: []},
* longPress: {func: myFunc4, prop: []},
* longRelease: {func: myFunc5, prop: []}
* }
* @param {number} timeToNextPress - Time (ms) after button up to wait for the next press before reseting the counter. Default is 300 ms.
* @param {number} timeOfLongPress - Time (ms) after button down to be considered as as a long press. Default is 1000 ms (1 sec).
* @param {number} intervalOfRepeat - Time (ms) before repeating action specified in LongPress action. Default is 50 ms.
* Note: In case longRelease function defined, longPress function will repeate till button is released.
* In case longRelease function not defined, only one action will be executed for longPress.
ActionButtons.onButtonPress = function (trigger, action, timeToNextPress, timeOfLongPress, intervalOfRepeat) {
// Set default values if not passed into function
timeToNextPress = timeToNextPress || 300;
timeOfLongPress = timeOfLongPress || 1000;
intervalOfRepeat = intervalOfRepeat || 100;
var buttonPressedCounter = 0;
var actionRepeatCounter = 0;
var timerWaitNextShortPress = null;
var timerLongPress = null;
var timerWaitLongRelease = null;
var isLongPressed = false;
var isLongReleased = false;
var ruleName = "on_button_press_" + trigger.replace("/", "_");
log("LOG::Define WB Rule: ", ruleName);
defineRule(ruleName, {
whenChanged: trigger,
then: function (newValue, devName, cellName) {
// If button is pressed, wait for a long press
if (newValue) {
if (timerWaitNextShortPress) {
timerLongPress = setTimeout(function () {
isLongPressed = true; // Long press identified, we will skip short press
isLongReleased = false;
buttonPressedCounter = 0;
actionRepeatCounter = 1;
if (typeof action.longPress === "object") {
if (typeof action.longPress.func === "function") {
action.longPress.func.apply(this, action.longPress.prop);
// If Long Release action define, we will repeat Long Press action till not released. Otherwise only 1 Long Press action is executed
if (typeof action.longRelease === "object") {
if (typeof action.longRelease.func === "function") {
timerWaitLongRelease = setInterval(function () {
if(!isLongReleased) {
if (typeof action.longPress === "object") {
if (typeof action.longPress.func === "function") {
action.longPress.func.apply(this, action.longPress.prop);
// log(">>>>>> long press - press (" + actionRepeatCounter++ + ") <<<<<<");
if(isLongReleased) {
}, intervalOfRepeat);
// log(">>>>>> long press - press (" + actionRepeatCounter++ + ") <<<<<<");
}, timeOfLongPress);
// If button is released, then it is not a "long press", start to count clicks
else {
if (!isLongPressed) {
if (timerLongPress) {
buttonPressedCounter += 1;
timerWaitNextShortPress = setTimeout(function () {
switch (buttonPressedCounter) {
// Counter equals 1 - it's a single short press
case 1:
if (typeof action.singlePress === "object") {
if (typeof action.singlePress.func === "function") {
action.singlePress.func.apply(this, action.singlePress.prop);
// log(">>>>>> short press - single <<<<<<");
// Counter equals 2 - it's a double short press
case 2:
if (typeof action.doublePress === "object") {
if (typeof action.doublePress.func === "function") {
action.doublePress.func.apply(this, action.doublePress.prop);
// log(">>>>>> short press - double <<<<<<");
// Counter equals 3 - it's a triple short press
case 3:
if (typeof action.triplePress === "object") {
if (typeof action.triplePress.func === "function") {
action.triplePress.func.apply(this, action.triplePress.prop);
// log(">>>>>> short press - triple <<<<<<");
// Reset the counter
buttonPressedCounter = 0;
}, timeToNextPress);
// Catch button released after long press
else {
if (typeof action.longRelease === "object") {
if (typeof action.longRelease.func === "function") {
// if (typeof action.longRelease.prop === "array") {
action.longRelease.func.apply(this, action.longRelease.prop);
// } else {
// action.longRelease.func.apply(this, []);
// }
// log(">>>>>> long press - release <<<<<<");
isLongPressed = false;
isLongReleased = true;
// export as Node module / AMD module / browser variable
if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined') {
module.exports = ActionButtons;
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
} else {
global.ActionButtons = ActionButtons;
"wb-mr6c_48/Input 5",
singlePress: {
func: switchRelay,
prop: ["wb-mr6c_48", "K5"]
doublePress: {
func: switchCurtain,
prop: ["wb-gpio", "EXT1_DIR3"]
300, 1000
Скрипт не работает, предполагал, что из-за скорости, но после изменения на 115200 тоже не заработало.
Помогите, пожалуйста, корректно описать управление шторами.