WB6 не работает wbe2-AO-10v-2 решение, может кому поможет

  1. ниже лог версий до обновления
    root@wirenboard-A3PW5UD7:~# dpkg -s wb-hwconf-manager
    Package: wb-hwconf-manager
    Status: install ok installed
    Priority: extra
    Section: misc
    Installed-Size: 313
    Maintainer: Evgeny Boger boger@contactless.ru
    Architecture: all
    Version: 1.26.1
    Depends: ucf, wb-utils (>= 2.1.2), wb-configs (>= 1.63), perl, jq, tcc, device-tree-compiler (>= 1.4.1+wb20160117000000), linux-image-wb6 (>= 4.9+wb20181002143216) | linux-image-wb2 (>= 4.9+wb20180620083749), mqtt-tools (>= 1.1.1), wb-mqtt-dac (>= 1.1)
    Breaks: wb-homa-adc (<< 1.14.2), wb-mqtt-confed (<< 1.0.2), wb-mqtt-homeui (<< 1.6.1)
    /etc/init.d/wb-hwconf-manager 5d64ded12deba13b2aa7843f4a6986d0
    /etc/wb-configs.d/02wb-hwconf-manager 57b22000bd3e5e02eefaec1705662f8f
    Description: Provides infrastructure for hardware re-configuration via Device Tree overlays
    root@wirenboard-A3PW5UD7:~# dpkg -s wb-rules
    Package: wb-rules
    Status: install ok installed
    Priority: optional
    Section: misc
    Installed-Size: 5794
    Maintainer: Ivan Shvedunov ivan4th@gmail.com
    Architecture: armhf
    Version: 1.7
    Depends: libc6 (>= 2.13)
    Breaks: wb-mqtt-confed (<< 1.0.2)
    /etc/init.d/wb-rules 8e78313c448b8ea3f41d1a698c6db63f
    /etc/wb-configs.d/13wb-rules 1236e2e4343d949e0a21de865706c00b
    /etc/wb-rules/alarms.conf 2051dd214a6232c5e778c50e52d5fb6a
    /etc/wb-rules/rules.js 926c30d0fd63e272f6f9ad370dffb1b0
    Description: Wiren Board Rule Engine
    root@wirenboard-A3PW5UD7:~# dpkg -s wb-mqtt-dac
    Package: wb-mqtt-dac
    Status: install ok installed
    Priority: optional
    Section: misc
    Installed-Size: 21
    Maintainer: Evgeny Boger boger@contactless.ru
    Architecture: all
    Version: 1.1.1
    Depends: wb-rules
    /etc/wb-mqtt-dac.conf bcbbcb76a478af24146892828395f7ba
    Description: wb-rules-based IIO DAC driver for WB MQTT
    root@wirenboard-A3PW5UD7:~# [13227.427466] RTL871X: ap recv disassoc reason code(3) sta:ac:92:32:2f:5d:96

  2. обновился

  3. следовал вашим инструкциям, в итоге модуль в веб (devices и в settings) не появился, перезагрузка также ничего не дала

  1. Покажите пожалуйста текущие версии:
dpkg -s wb-hwconf-manager | grep Version
dpkg -s wb-rules | grep Version
dpkg -s wb-mqtt-dac | grep Version
 dpkg -s linux-image-wb6 | grep Version
  1. Пришлите пожалуйста /var/log/messages и /etc/wb-hardware.conf целиком

  2. Проверьте правильность установки модулей и, на всякий случай, сфотографируйте то, как они установлены в контроллер и пришлите сюда.

Логи направил на почту, модуль установлен правильно в в MOD1

root@wirenboard-A3PW5UD7:~# dpkg -s wb-hwconf-manager | grep Version

Version: 1.26.1

root@wirenboard-A3PW5UD7:~# dpkg -s wb-rules | grep Version

Version: 1.7.1

root@wirenboard-A3PW5UD7:~# dpkg -s linux-image-wb6 | grep Version

Version: 4.9+wb20190126112722

Коллеги вопросом занимаетесь? Все еще жду как соловей лета

Евгений, когда будут рекомендации?

Евгений, прошу подключится к вопросу. Модуль так и не заработал. Разобрал переставил его в MOD2, настроил в WUI - в Device модуль не появился.

У меня есть еще один WB6.5 вставил в него модуль, модуль работает корректно выдает значение, спокойно через иридиум управляю выходом и принимаю значение. Проблема все-таки в контроллере №1.

Так получилось что на нем у меня уже много чего наворочено, как корректно мне переехать на контроллер №2, правда с дрожью вспоминаю что придется на голом контроллере все подстраивать по новой, столько всего пришлось где-то подправлять, добавлять и т.д. Я прочитал ветку по резервному копированию контроллера https://support.wirenboard.com/t/kak-sdelat-polnoczennuyu-rezervnuyu-kopiyu-wb6/1693/6:

Написано было много, поэтому не уверен что все правильно сделал, прошу отдельно подтвердить:

  1. Создал папку flash командой mkdir /mnt/flash
  2. Смонтировал флэшку которую вставил в USB1 командой mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/flash
  3. Записал образ командой dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/mnt/flash/mmcblk0-backup.img
  4. Получил файл mmcblk0-backup.img размером 3,7 Гбт

Как им воспользоваться в дальнейшем если прижмет? Он точно сохранил все правила, шаблоны устройств, скрипты perl, sh?

Как быть с контроллером №1? могу предоставить доступ к контролеру №1 чтобы вы дистанционно посмотрели, где что мешает на программном уровне работать модулю. В отдельной ветке разбираюсь с электрокарнизом который работает через serial от ПК, но не хочет работать от WB. Электрокарнизу Akko ac-72e по rs485 Может быть проблема не в модуле, карнизе а проблема в контроллере или в ПО?

Есть ли какой-то волшебный инструмент который бы просканировали и сказал е2е4 там поправь, тут за комментируй? Как и многие я думал что ничего страшного что линукс, там ведь есть WUI настрою все через него и в консоль залазить не придется, а тут из консоли не вылазишь…

Если не срочно, то через неделю смогу помочь. Пока поднавалилось с проектами…
У меня Телеграмм @Prefixx

Евгений давайте дожмем вопрос, сегодня могу до 22 по мск времени предоставить доступ к контроллеру. Я на связи - по почте, форум, телефон контакты у вас мои есть. Очень на вас надеюсь, вопрос висит 2 месяца.

Виталий очень признателен, обращусь за консультацией не в этот так в другой раз.


Уделите свое время вопросу, неужели за 3 месяца не нашлось времени чтобы уделить внимание??? Я выполнил все ваши рекомендации, результат - модуль в WUI пропал и не появляется!!!

  1. Я проверил правильность установки.
  2. Обновился
  3. Удалил модуль из hardware
  4. Добавил модуль в hardware
  5. в WUI не вижу модуля!

Вот hardware wb-hardware.conf (2.7 КБ)

Вот wb-mqtt-serial wb-mqtt-serial.conf (6.1 КБ)

Логи тут https://yadi.sk/d/TEKO2ZB7e4D8IA

1 лайк

Ох, и у меня такая же проблема

Давайте подробнее. Напишите пожалуйста как проявляется, какие версии пакетов (смотреть через dpkg -s или dpkg -l), содержимое конфигурационных файлов /etc/wb-hardware.conf.

dpkg -l
| Состояние=не[n]/установлен[i]/настроен[c]/распакован[U]/частично настроен[F]/
частично установлен[H]/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Ошибка?=(нет)/требуется переустановка[R] (верхний регистр
в полях состояния и ошибки указывает на ненормальную ситуацию)
||/ Имя Версия Архитектура Описание
ii adduser 3.115 all add and remove users and groups
ii apt 1.4.9 armhf commandline package manager
ii apt-utils 1.4.9 armhf package management related utilit
ii avahi-daemon 0.6.32-2 armhf Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon
ii base-files 9.9+deb9u11 armhf Debian base system miscellaneous
ii base-passwd 3.5.43 armhf Debian base system master passwor
ii bash 4.4-5 armhf GNU Bourne Again SHell
ii bc 1.06.95-9+b3 armhf GNU bc arbitrary precision calcul
ii bind9-host 1:9.10.3.dfs armhf Version of ‘host’ bundled with BI
ii bluez 5.43-2+deb9u armhf Bluetooth tools and daemons
ii bluez-hcidump 5.43-2+deb9u armhf Analyses Bluetooth HCI packets
ii bsd-mailx 8.1.2-0.2016 armhf simple mail user agent
ii bsdutils 1:2.29.2-1+d armhf basic utilities from 4.4BSD-Lite
ii busybox 1:1.22.0-19+ armhf Tiny utilities for small and embe
ii busybox-syslog 1:1.20.0-8 all Provides syslogd and klogd using
ii bzip2 1.0.6-8.1 armhf high-quality block-sorting file c
ii ca-certificate 20161130+nmu all Common CA certificates
ii can-utils 0.0+git20160 armhf SocketCAN userspace utilities and
ii cgmanager 0.41-2 armhf Central cgroup manager daemon
ii cmux 1.2 armhf Enables GSM 0710 multiplex using
ii contactless-ke 0.1 all GnuPG keys used by Contactless
ii coreutils 8.26-3 armhf GNU core utilities
ii crda 3.18-1 armhf wireless Central Regulatory Domai
ii cron 3.0pl1-128+d armhf process scheduling daemon
ii curl 7.52.1-5+deb armhf command line tool for transferrin
ii dash 0.5.8-2.4 armhf POSIX-compliant shell
ii dbus 1.10.28-0+de armhf simple interprocess messaging sys
ii debconf 1.5.61 all Debian configuration management s
ii debian-archive 2017.5+deb9u all GnuPG archive keys of the Debian
ii debianutils armhf Miscellaneous utilities specific
ii device-tree-co 1.4.1+wb2018 armhf Device Tree Compiler for Flat Dev
ii dialog 1.3-20160828 armhf Displays user-friendly dialog box
ii diffutils 1:3.5-3 armhf File comparison utilities
ii dmsetup 2:1.02.137-2 armhf Linux Kernel Device Mapper usersp
ii dns-root-data 2019031302~d all DNS root data including root zone
ii dnsmasq 2.76-5+deb9u all Small caching DNS proxy and DHCP/
ii dnsmasq-base 2.76-5+deb9u armhf Small caching DNS proxy and DHCP/
ii dpkg 1.18.25 armhf Debian package management system
ii e2fslibs:armhf 1.43.4-2+wb1 armhf ext2/ext3/ext4 file system librar
ii e2fsprogs 1.43.4-2+wb1 armhf ext2/ext3/ext4 file system utilit
ii file 1:5.30-1+deb armhf Recognize the type of data in a f
ii findutils 4.6.0+git+20 armhf utilities for finding files–find
ii firmware-realt 20170823-1~b all Binary firmware for Realtek wired
ii fontconfig-con 2.11.0-6.7 all generic font configuration librar
ii fonts-dejavu-c 2.37-1 all Vera font family derivate with ad
ii gammu 1.38.1-1 armhf mobile phone management utility
ii gcc-6-base:arm 6.3.0-18+deb armhf GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection
ii geoip-database 20170512-1 all IP lookup command line tools that
ii gnupg1 1.4.21-4+deb armhf GNU privacy guard - a PGP impleme
ii gnupg1-curl 1.4.21-4+deb armhf GNU privacy guard (cURL helpers f
ii gnupg1-l10n 1.4.21-4+deb all GNU privacy guard “classic” - loc
ii gpgv 2.1.18-8~deb armhf GNU privacy guard - signature ver
ii grep 2.27-2 armhf GNU grep, egrep and fgrep
ii gzip 1.6-5+b1 armhf GNU compression utilities
ii hostapd 1:2.3-1+deb8 armhf IEEE 802.11 AP and IEEE 802.1X/WP
ii hostname 3.18+b1 armhf utility to set/show the host name
ii hubpower 1.0 armhf control the power settings for a
ii i2c-tools 3.1.2-3 armhf heterogeneous set of I2C tools fo
ii ieee-data 20160613.1 all OUI and IAB listings
ii ifupdown 0.8.19 armhf high level tools to configure net
ii init-system-he 1.48 all helper tools for all init systems
ii inotify-tools 3.14-2 armhf command-line programs providing a
ii iproute 1:4.9.0-1+de all transitional dummy package for ip
ii iproute2 4.9.0-1+deb9 armhf networking and traffic control to
ii iputils-ping 3:20161105-1 armhf Tools to test the reachability of
ii isc-dhcp-clien 4.3.5-3+deb9 armhf DHCP client for automatically obt
ii isc-dhcp-commo 4.3.5-3+deb9 armhf common manpages relevant to all o
ii iw 4.9-0.1 armhf tool for configuring Linux wirele
ii jq 1.5+dfsg-1.3 armhf lightweight and flexible command-
ii kmod 23-2 armhf tools for managing Linux kernel m
ii krb5-locales 1.15-1+deb9u all internationalization support for
ii less 481-2.1 armhf pager program similar to more
ii libacl1:armhf 2.2.52-3+b1 armhf Access control list shared librar
ii libapparmor1:a 2.11.0-3+deb armhf changehat AppArmor library
ii libapt-inst2.0 1.4.9 armhf deb package format runtime librar
ii libapt-pkg5.0: 1.4.9 armhf package management runtime librar
ii libateccssl1.1 0.2.1 armhf ATECC508A/608A engine for OpenSSL
ii libatm1:armhf 1:2.5.1-2 armhf shared library for ATM (Asynchron
ii libattr1:armhf 1:2.4.47-2+b armhf Extended attribute shared library
ii libaudit-commo 1:2.6.7-2 all Dynamic library for security audi
ii libaudit1:armh 1:2.6.7-2 armhf Dynamic library for security audi
ii libavahi-commo 0.6.32-2 armhf Avahi common data files
ii libavahi-commo 0.6.32-2 armhf Avahi common library
ii libavahi-core7 0.6.32-2 armhf Avahi’s embeddable mDNS/DNS-SD li
ii libbind9-140:a 1:9.10.3.dfs armhf BIND9 Shared Library used by BIND
ii libblkid1:armh 2.29.2-1+deb armhf block device ID library
ii libbluetooth3: 5.43-2+deb9u armhf Library to use the BlueZ Linux Bl
ii libbsd0:armhf 0.8.3-1 armhf utility functions from BSD system
ii libbz2-1.0:arm 1.0.6-8.1 armhf high-quality block-sorting file c
ii libc-ares2:arm 1.12.0-1+deb armhf asynchronous name resolver
ii libc-bin 2.24-11+deb9 armhf GNU C Library: Binaries
ii libc-dev-bin 2.24-11+deb9 armhf GNU C Library: Development binari
ii libc-l10n 2.24-11+deb9 all GNU C Library: localization files
ii libc6:armhf 2.24-11+deb9 armhf GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii libc6-dev:armh 2.24-11+deb9 armhf GNU C Library: Development Librar
ii libcap-ng0:arm 0.7.7-3+b1 armhf An alternate POSIX capabilities l
ii libcap2:armhf 1:2.25-1 armhf POSIX 1003.1e capabilities (libra
ii libcap2-bin 1:2.25-1 armhf POSIX 1003.1e capabilities (utili
ii libcgmanager0: 0.41-2 armhf Central cgroup manager daemon (cl
ii libcomerr2:arm 1.43.4-2+wb1 armhf common error description library
ii libcryptsetup4 2:1.7.3-4 armhf disk encryption support - shared
ii libcurl3:armhf 7.52.1-5+deb armhf easy-to-use client-side URL trans
ii libcurl3-gnutl 7.52.1-5+deb armhf easy-to-use client-side URL trans
ii libdaemon0:arm 0.14-6 armhf lightweight C library for daemons
ii libdb5.3:armhf 5.3.28-12+de armhf Berkeley v5.3 Database Libraries
ii libdbus-1-3:ar 1.10.28-0+de armhf simple interprocess messaging sys
ii libdebconfclie 0.227 armhf Debian Configuration Management S
ii libdevmapper1. 2:1.02.137-2 armhf Linux Kernel Device Mapper usersp
ii libdns-export1 1:9.10.3.dfs armhf Exported DNS Shared Library
ii libdns162:armh 1:9.10.3.dfs armhf DNS Shared Library used by BIND
ii libedit2:armhf 3.1-20160903 armhf BSD editline and history librarie
ii libelf1:armhf 0.168-1 armhf library to read and write ELF fil
ii libev4 1:4.22-1+b1 armhf high-performance event loop libra
ii libexpat1:armh 2.2.0-2+deb9 armhf XML parsing C library - runtime l
ii libfdisk1:armh 2.29.2-1+deb armhf fdisk partitioning library
ii libffi6:armhf 3.2.1-6 armhf Foreign Function Interface librar
ii libfontconfig1 2.11.0-6.7+b armhf generic font configuration librar
ii libfreetype6:a 2.6.3-3.2 armhf FreeType 2 font engine, shared li
ii libgammu-i18n 1.38.1-1 all mobile phone management library (
ii libgammu8 1.38.1-1 armhf mobile phone management library
ii libgcc1:armhf 1:6.3.0-18+d armhf GCC support library
ii libgcrypt20:ar 1.7.6-2+deb9 armhf LGPL Crypto library - runtime lib
ii libgd3:armhf 2.2.4-2+deb9 armhf GD Graphics Library
ii libgdbm3:armhf 1.8.3-14 armhf GNU dbm database routines (runtim
ii libgeoip1:armh 1.6.9-4 armhf non-DNS IP-to-country resolver li
ii libglib2.0-0:a 2.50.3-2+deb armhf GLib library of C routines
ii libglib2.0-dat 2.50.3-2+deb all Common files for GLib library
ii libgmp10:armhf 2:6.1.2+dfsg armhf Multiprecision arithmetic library
ii libgnutls-open 3.5.8-5+deb9 armhf GNU TLS library - OpenSSL wrapper
ii libgnutls30:ar 3.5.8-5+deb9 armhf GNU TLS library - main runtime li
ii libgpg-error0: 1.26-2 armhf library for common error values a
ii libgpm2:armhf 1.20.4-6.2+b armhf General Purpose Mouse - shared li
ii libgssapi-krb5 1.15-1+deb9u armhf MIT Kerberos runtime libraries -
ii libgudev-1.0-0 230-3 armhf GObject-based wrapper library for
ii libhogweed4:ar 3.3-1+b2 armhf low level cryptographic library (
ii libicu57:armhf 57.1-6+deb9u armhf International Components for Unic
ii libidn11:armhf 1.33-1 armhf GNU Libidn library, implementatio
ii libidn2-0:armh 0.16-1+deb9u armhf Internationalized domain names (I
ii libinotifytool 3.14-2 armhf utility wrapper around inotify
ii libio-pty-perl 1:1.08-1.1+b armhf Perl module for pseudo tty IO
ii libip4tc0:armh 1.6.0+snapsh armhf netfilter libip4tc library
ii libipc-run-per 0.94-1+deb9u all Perl module for running processes
ii libisc-export1 1:9.10.3.dfs armhf Exported ISC Shared Library
ii libisc160:armh 1:9.10.3.dfs armhf ISC Shared Library used by BIND
ii libisccc140:ar 1:9.10.3.dfs armhf Command Channel Library used by B
ii libisccfg140:a 1:9.10.3.dfs armhf Config File Handling Library used
ii libiw30:armhf 30~pre9-12+b armhf Wireless tools - library
ii libjbig0:armhf 2.1-3.1+b2 armhf JBIGkit libraries
ii libjim0.76:arm 0.76-2+b1 armhf small-footprint implementation of
ii libjpeg62-turb 1:1.5.1-2 armhf libjpeg-turbo JPEG runtime librar
ii libjq1:armhf 1.5+dfsg-1.3 armhf lightweight and flexible command-
ii libjsoncpp1:ar 1.7.4-3 armhf library for reading and writing J
ii libk5crypto3:a 1.15-1+deb9u armhf MIT Kerberos runtime libraries -
ii libkeyutils1:a 1.5.9-9 armhf Linux Key Management Utilities (l
ii libkmod2:armhf 23-2 armhf libkmod shared library
ii libkrb5-3:armh 1.15-1+deb9u armhf MIT Kerberos runtime libraries
ii libkrb5support 1.15-1+deb9u armhf MIT Kerberos runtime libraries -
ii libldap-2.4-2: 2.4.44+dfsg- armhf OpenLDAP libraries
ii libldap-common 2.4.44+dfsg- all OpenLDAP common files for librari
ii liblockfile-bi 1.14-1+b1 armhf support binaries for and cli util
ii liblockfile1:a 1.14-1+b1 armhf NFS-safe locking library
ii liblog4cpp5-de 1.1.1-3 armhf C++ library for flexible logging
ii liblog4cpp5v5 1.1.1-3 armhf C++ library for flexible logging
ii libluajit-5.1- 2.0.4+dfsg-1 armhf Just in time compiler for Lua - l
ii libluajit-5.1- 2.0.4+dfsg-1 all Just in time compiler for Lua - c
ii liblwres141:ar 1:9.10.3.dfs armhf Lightweight Resolver Library used
ii liblz4-1:armhf 0.0~r131-2+b armhf Fast LZ compression algorithm lib
ii liblzma5:armhf 5.2.2-1.2+b1 armhf XZ-format compression library
ii libmagic-mgc 1:5.30-1+deb armhf File type determination library u
ii libmagic1:armh 1:5.30-1+deb armhf Recognize the type of data in a f
ii libmnl0:armhf 1.0.4-2 armhf minimalistic Netlink communicatio
ii libmodbus5:arm 3.0.6-2 armhf library for the Modbus protocol
ii libmosquitto1: 1.4.15-1+wb7 armhf MQTT version 3.1/3.1.1 client lib
ii libmosquittopp 1.4.15-1+wb7 armhf MQTT version 3.1/3.1.1 client C++
ii libmount1:armh 2.29.2-1+deb armhf device mounting library
ii libmpdec2:armh 2.4.2-1 armhf library for decimal floating poin
ii libncurses5:ar 6.0+20161126 armhf shared libraries for terminal han
ii libncursesw5:a 6.0+20161126 armhf shared libraries for terminal han
ii libnetfilter-c 1.0.6-2 armhf Netfilter netlink-conntrack libra
ii libnettle6:arm 3.3-1+b2 armhf low level cryptographic library (
ii libnfnetlink0: 1.0.1-3 armhf Netfilter netlink library
ii libnghttp2-14: 1.18.1-1+deb armhf library implementing HTTP/2 proto
ii libnih-dbus1 1.0.3-8 armhf NIH D-Bus Bindings Library
ii libnih1 1.0.3-8 armhf NIH Utility Library
ii libnl-3-200:ar 3.2.27-2 armhf library for dealing with netlink
ii libnl-genl-3-2 3.2.27-2 armhf library for dealing with netlink
ii libnl-route-3- 3.2.27-2 armhf library for dealing with netlink
ii libnss-mdns:ar 0.10-8 armhf NSS module for Multicast DNS name
ii libonig4:armhf 6.1.3-2 armhf regular expressions library
ii libp11-kit0:ar 0.23.3-2 armhf library for loading and coordinat
ii libpam-cap:arm 1:2.25-1 armhf POSIX 1003.1e capabilities (PAM m
ii libpam-modules 1.1.8-3.6 armhf Pluggable Authentication Modules
ii libpam-modules 1.1.8-3.6 armhf Pluggable Authentication Modules
ii libpam-runtime 1.1.8-3.6 all Runtime support for the PAM libra
ii libpam-systemd 232-25+deb9u armhf system and service manager - PAM
ii libpam0g:armhf 1.1.8-3.6 armhf Pluggable Authentication Modules
ii libpcap0.8:arm 1.8.1-3 armhf system interface for user-level p
ii libpcre3:armhf 2:8.39-3 armhf Old Perl 5 Compatible Regular Exp
ii libpcsclite1:a 1.8.20-1 armhf Middleware to access a smart card
ii libperl5.24:ar 5.24.1-3+deb armhf shared Perl library
ii libpng16-16:ar 1.6.28-1+deb armhf PNG library - runtime (version 1.
ii libpopt0:armhf 1.16-10+b2 armhf lib for parsing cmdline parameter
ii libprocps6:arm 2:3.3.12-3+d armhf library for accessing process inf
ii libpsl5:armhf 0.17.0-3 armhf Library for Public Suffix List (s
ii libpython-stdl 2.7.13-2 armhf interactive high-level object-ori
ii libpython2.7-m 2.7.13-2+deb armhf Minimal subset of the Python lang
ii libpython2.7-s 2.7.13-2+deb armhf Interactive high-level object-ori
ii libpython3.5-m 3.5.3-1+deb9 armhf Minimal subset of the Python lang
ii libpython3.5-s 3.5.3-1+deb9 armhf Interactive high-level object-ori
ii libreadline7:a 7.0-3 armhf GNU readline and history librarie
ii librtmp1:armhf 2.4+20151223 armhf toolkit for RTMP streams (shared
ii libsasl2-2:arm 2.1.27~101-g armhf Cyrus SASL - authentication abstr
ii libsasl2-modul 2.1.27~101-g armhf Cyrus SASL - pluggable authentica
ii libsasl2-modul 2.1.27~101-g armhf Cyrus SASL - pluggable authentica
ii libseccomp2:ar 2.3.1-2.1+de armhf high level interface to Linux sec
ii libselinux1:ar 2.6-3+b3 armhf SELinux runtime shared libraries
ii libsemanage-co 2.6-2 all Common files for SELinux policy m
ii libsemanage1:a 2.6-2 armhf SELinux policy management library
ii libsepol1:armh 2.6-2 armhf SELinux library for manipulating
ii libslang2:armh 2.3.1-5 armhf S-Lang programming library - runt
ii libsmartcols1: 2.29.2-1+deb armhf smart column output alignment lib
ii libsqlite3-0:a 3.16.2-5+deb armhf SQLite 3 shared library
ii libss2:armhf 1.43.4-2+wb1 armhf command-line interface parsing li
ii libssh2-1:armh 1.7.0-1+deb9 armhf SSH2 client-side library
ii libssl1.0-dev: 1.0.2t-1~deb armhf Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - de
ii libssl1.0.2:ar 1.0.2t-1~deb armhf Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - sh
ii libssl1.1:armh 1.1.0l-1~deb armhf Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - sh
ii libstdc++6:arm 6.3.0-18+deb armhf GNU Standard C++ Library v3
ii libsystemd0:ar 232-25+deb9u armhf systemd utility library
ii libtasn1-6:arm 4.10-1.1+deb armhf Manage ASN.1 structures (runtime)
ii libtiff5:armhf 4.0.8-2+deb9 armhf Tag Image File Format (TIFF) libr
ii libtinfo5:armh 6.0+20161126 armhf shared low-level terminfo library
ii libudev1:armhf 232-25+deb9u armhf libudev shared library
ii libunistring0: 0.9.6+really armhf Unicode string library for C
ii libusb-1.0-0:a 2:1.0.21-1 armhf userspace USB programming library
ii libustr-1.0-1: 1.0.4-6 armhf Micro string library: shared libr
ii libuuid1:armhf 2.29.2-1+deb armhf Universally Unique ID library
ii libuv1:armhf 1.9.1-3 armhf asynchronous event notification l
ii libwbmqtt 1.7.2 armhf transitional package
ii libwbmqtt0 1.7.2 armhf Wiren Board Smart Home MQTT utils
ii libwebp6:armhf 0.5.2-1 armhf Lossy compression of digital phot
ii libwebsockets8 2.0.3-2 armhf lightweight C websockets library
ii libwrap0:armhf 7.6.q-26 armhf Wietse Venema’s TCP wrappers libr
ii libx11-6:armhf 2:1.6.4-3+de armhf X11 client-side library
ii libx11-data 2:1.6.4-3+de all X11 client-side library
ii libxau6:armhf 1:1.0.8-1 armhf X11 authorisation library
ii libxcb1:armhf 1.12-1 armhf X C Binding
ii libxdmcp6:armh 1:1.1.2-3 armhf X11 Display Manager Control Proto
ii libxext6:armhf 2:1.3.3-1+b2 armhf X11 miscellaneous extension libra
ii libxml2:armhf 2.9.4+dfsg1- armhf GNOME XML library
ii libxmuu1:armhf 2:1.1.2-2 armhf X11 miscellaneous micro-utility l
ii libxpm4:armhf 1:3.5.12-1 armhf X11 pixmap library
ii libxslt1.1:arm 1.1.29-2.1+d armhf XSLT 1.0 processing library - run
ii libxtables12:a 1.6.0+snapsh armhf netfilter xtables library
ii linux-firmware 4.9+wb201901 all Linux kernel firmware, version 4.
ii linux-image-4. 4.9+wb201901 armhf Linux kernel, version 4.9.22-wb6
ii linux-image-wb 4.9+wb201901 armhf A metapackage for latest Linux ke
ii linux-libc-dev 4.9.189-3+de armhf Linux support headers for userspa
ii locales 2.24-11+deb9 all GNU C Library: National Language
ii login 1:4.4-4.1 armhf system login tools
ii logrotate 3.11.0-0.1 armhf Log rotation utility
ii lrzsz 0.12.21-8 armhf Tools for zmodem/xmodem/ymodem fi
ii lsb-base 9.20161125 all Linux Standard Base init script f
ii manpages 4.10-2 all Manual pages about using a GNU/Li
ii manpages-dev 4.10-2 all Manual pages about using GNU/Linu
ii mawk 1.3.3-17+b3 armhf a pattern scanning and text proce
ii mc 3:4.8.18-1 armhf Midnight Commander - a powerful f
ii mc-data 3:4.8.18-1 all Midnight Commander - a powerful f
ii memtester 4.3.0-4+b1 armhf Utility for testing the memory su
ii mime-support 3.60 all MIME files ‘mime.types’ & 'mailca
ii minicom 2.7-1.1 armhf friendly menu driven serial commu
ii modbus-utils 1.2.3 armhf Modbus client and server command
ii moreutils 0.60-1 armhf additional Unix utilities
ii mosquitto 1.4.15-1+wb7 armhf MQTT version 3.1/3.1.1 compatible
ii mosquitto-clie 1.4.15-1+wb7 armhf Mosquitto command line MQTT clien
ii mount 2.29.2-1+deb armhf tools for mounting and manipulati
ii mqtt-tools 1.2 all MQTT tools
ii multiarch-supp 2.24-11+deb9 armhf Transitional package to ensure mu
ii nano 2.7.4-1 armhf small, friendly text editor inspi
ii ncurses-base 6.0+20161126 all basic terminal type definitions
ii ncurses-bin 6.0+20161126 armhf terminal-related programs and man
ii ncurses-term 6.0+20161126 all additional terminal type definiti
ii net-tools 1.60+git2016 armhf NET-3 networking toolkit
ii netbase 5.4 all Basic TCP/IP networking system
ii netplug armhf network link monitor daemon
ii nginx-common 1.6.2-5+deb8 all small, powerful, scalable web/pro
ii nginx-extras 1.6.2-5+deb8 armhf nginx web/proxy server (extended
ii ntp 1:4.2.8p10+d armhf Network Time Protocol daemon and
ii ntpdate 1:4.2.8p10+d armhf client for setting system time fr
ii openssh-client 1:7.4p1-10+d armhf secure shell (SSH) client, for se
ii openssh-server 1:7.4p1-10+d armhf secure shell (SSH) server, for se
ii openssh-sftp-s 1:7.4p1-10+d armhf secure shell (SSH) sftp server mo
ii openssl 1.1.0l-1~deb armhf Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - cr
ii passwd 1:4.4-4.1 armhf change and administer password an
ii perl 5.24.1-3+deb armhf Larry Wall’s Practical Extraction
ii perl-base 5.24.1-3+deb armhf minimal Perl system
ii perl-modules-5 5.24.1-3+deb all Core Perl modules
ii ppp 2.4.7-1+4 armhf Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) - d
ii pps-tools 0.20120406+g armhf LinuxPPS support tools and header
ii procps 2:3.3.12-3+d armhf /proc file system utilities
ii psmisc 22.21-2.1+b2 armhf utilities that use the proc file
ii publicsuffix 20190415.103 all accurate, machine-readable list o
ii pv 1.6.0-1+b1 armhf Shell pipeline element to meter d
ii python 2.7.13-2 armhf interactive high-level object-ori
ii python-cffi-ba 1.9.1-2 armhf Foreign Function Interface for Py
ii python-chardet 2.3.0-2 all universal character encoding dete
ii python-crypto 2.6.1-7 armhf cryptographic algorithms and prot
ii python-cryptog 1.7.1-3+deb9 armhf Python library exposing cryptogra
ii python-dateuti 2.5.3-2 all powerful extensions to the standa
ii python-enum34 1.1.6-1 all backport of Python 3.4’s enum pac
ii python-gsmmode 1:0.11 all Control an attached GSM modem: se
ii python-gspread 1:0.4.1 all Google Spreadsheets Python API
ii python-httplib 0.9.2+dfsg-1 all comprehensive HTTP client library
ii python-idna 2.2-1 all Python IDNA2008 (RFC 5891) handli
ii python-ipaddre 1.0.17-1 all Backport of Python 3 ipaddress mo
ii python-json-rp 1.9.2.wb1 all JSON-RPC transport implementation
ii python-minimal 2.7.13-2 armhf minimal subset of the Python lang
ii python-mosquit 1.3.4-2conta all MQTT version 3.1 Python client li
ii python-mqttrpc 1.1.1 all Reference MQTT-RPC implementation
ii python-netaddr 0.7.18-2 all manipulation of various common ne
ii python-oauth2c 3.0.0-1 all OAuth 2.0 client library - Python
ii python-openssl 16.2.0-1 all Python 2 wrapper around the OpenS
ii python-pkg-res 33.1.1-1 all Package Discovery and Resource Ac
ii python-progres 2.3-4 all text progress bar library for Pyt
ii python-pyasn1 0.1.9-2 all ASN.1 library for Python (Python
ii python-pyasn1- 0.0.7-0.1 all Collection of protocols modules w
ii python-pyparsi 2.1.10+dfsg1 all Python parsing module
ii python-request 2.12.4-1 all elegant and simple HTTP library f
ii python-rsa 3.4.2-1 all Pure-Python RSA implementation (P
ii python-serial 3.2.1-1 all pyserial - module encapsulating a
ii python-setupto 33.1.1-1 all Python Distutils Enhancements
ii python-six 1.10.0-3 all Python 2 and 3 compatibility libr
ii python-smbus:a 3.1.2-3 armhf Python bindings for Linux SMBus a
ii python-termcol 1.1.0-1 all ANSII Color formatting for output
ii python-uritemp 0.6-1 all implementation of RFC6570 - Pytho
ii python-urllib3 1.19.1-1 all HTTP library with thread-safe con
ii python-wb-comm 1.3.2 all Wiren Board Python common library
ii python-wb-io 1.2.3 armhf A module to control WB IO channel
ii python2.7 2.7.13-2+deb armhf Interactive high-level object-ori
ii python2.7-mini 2.7.13-2+deb armhf Minimal subset of the Python lang
ii python3-minima 3.5.3-1 armhf minimal subset of the Python lang
ii python3.5 3.5.3-1+deb9 armhf Interactive high-level object-ori
ii python3.5-mini 3.5.3-1+deb9 armhf Minimal subset of the Python lang
ii read-edid 3.0.2-1+b1 armhf hardware information-gathering to
ii readline-commo 7.0-3 all GNU readline and history librarie
ii rename 0.20-4 all Perl extension for renaming multi
ii sed 4.4-1 armhf GNU stream editor for filtering/t
ii sensible-utils 0.0.9+deb9u1 all Utilities for sensible alternativ
ii serial-tool 1.0 all interactive hex serial port conso
ii sgml-base 1.29 all SGML infrastructure and SGML cata
ii shared-mime-in 1.8-1+deb9u1 armhf FreeDesktop.org shared MIME datab
ii ssmtp 2.64-8+b2 armhf extremely simple MTA to get mail
ii systemd 232-25+deb9u armhf system and service manager
ii systemd-shim 10-3 armhf shim for systemd
ii systemd-sysv 232-25+deb9u armhf system and service manager - SysV
ii sysvinit-utils 2.88dsf-59.9 armhf System-V-like utilities
ii tar 1.29b-1.1 armhf GNU version of the tar archiving
ii tcc 0.9.27~git20 armhf small ANSI C compiler
ii tcpd 7.6.q-26 armhf Wietse Venema’s TCP wrapper utili
ii tzdata 2019c-0+deb9 all time zone and daylight-saving tim
ii u-boot-tools 2:2017.03+wb all transitional package - use u-boot
ii u-boot-tools-w 2:2017.03+wb armhf companion tools for Das U-Boot bo
ii ucf 3.0036 all Update Configuration File(s): pre
ii udev 232-25+deb9u armhf /dev/ and hotplug management daem
ii unzip 6.0-21+deb9u armhf De-archiver for .zip files
ii usb-modeswitch 2.5.0+repack armhf mode switching tool for controlli
ii usb-modeswitch 20170120-1 all mode switching data for usb-modes
ii usbutils 1:007-4+deb9 armhf Linux USB utilities
ii util-linux 2.29.2-1+deb armhf miscellaneous system utilities
ii vim 2:8.0.0197-4 armhf Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
ii vim-common 2:8.0.0197-4 all Vi IMproved - Common files
ii vim-runtime 2:8.0.0197-4 all Vi IMproved - Runtime files
ii watchdog 5.15-1 armhf system health checker and softwar
ii wb-configs 1.81.0 all Default common config files for W
ii wb-configs-str 1.81.0 all Default stretch-specific config f
ii wb-daemon-watc 1.1 all Wiren Board services watchdog scr
ii wb-dt-overlays 1.3 all Device tree overlays for Wiren Bo
ii wb-homa-adc 1.14.6 armhf Wiren Board Smart Home MQTT ADC d
ii wb-homa-gpio 1.19.5 armhf Wiren Board Smart Home MQTT gener
ii wb-homa-ism-ra 1.17.3 all MQTT driver for WB HomA for RFM69
ii wb-homa-w1 1.10.1 armhf Wiren Board Smart Home MQTT gener
ii wb-hwconf-mana 1.29.0 all Provides infrastructure for hardw
ii wb-mqtt-confed 1.2.2 armhf Configuration Editor Backend
ii wb-mqtt-dac 1.1.1 all wb-rules-based IIO DAC driver for
ii wb-mqtt-db 1.7.3 armhf Wiren Board database logger
ii wb-mqtt-db-cli 1.2.1 all CLI for wb-mqtt-db
ii wb-mqtt-homeui 2.0~beta12 all Wiren Board Web UI web interface
ii wb-mqtt-mbgate 0.1.4 armhf Wiren Board MQTT to Modbus TCP ga
ii wb-mqtt-serial 1.53.0 armhf Wiren Board Smart Home MQTT seria
ii wb-rules 1.7.1 armhf Wiren Board Rule Engine
ii wb-rules-syste 1.6.2 all Default system rules for Wiren Bo
ii wb-test-suite 1.16.1 all Wiren Board functional testing su
ii wb-utils 2.1.2 all Wiren Board command-line utils
ii wget 1.18-5+deb9u armhf retrieves files from the web
ii wireless-regdb 2016.06.10-1 all wireless regulatory database
ii wireless-tools 30~pre9-12+b armhf Tools for manipulating Linux Wire
ii wpasupplicant 2.3-1+deb8u4 armhf client support for WPA and WPA2 (
ii xauth 1:1.0.9-1+b2 armhf X authentication utility
ii xdg-user-dirs 0.15-2+b1 armhf tool to manage well known user di
ii xml-core 0.17 all XML infrastructure and XML catalo
ii xxd 2:8.0.0197-4 armhf tool to make (or reverse) a hex d
ii xz-utils 5.2.2-1.2+b1 armhf XZ-format compression utilities
ii zlib1g:armhf 1:1.2.8.dfsg armhf compression library - runtime

“slots”: [
“id”: “wb6-mod1”,
“name”: “Internal slot 1”,
“compatible”: [
“module”: “wbe2-ao-10v-2”,
“options”: {}
“id”: “wb6-mod2”,
“name”: “Internal slot 2”,
“compatible”: [
“module”: “”,
“options”: {}
“id”: “wb6-mod3”,
“name”: “Internal slot 3”,
“compatible”: [
“module”: “”,
“options”: {}
“id”: “wb6-extio1”,
“name”: “External I/O module 1”,
“compatible”: [
“module”: “wbio-do-ssr-8”,
“options”: {}
“id”: “wb6-extio2”,
“name”: “External I/O module 2”,
“compatible”: [
“module”: “”,
“options”: {}
“id”: “wb6-extio3”,
“name”: “External I/O module 3”,
“compatible”: [
“module”: “”,
“options”: {}
“id”: “wb6-extio4”,
“name”: “External I/O module 4”,
“compatible”: [
“module”: “”,
“options”: {}
“id”: “wb6-extio5”,
“name”: “External I/O module 5”,
“compatible”: [
“module”: “”,
“options”: {}
“id”: “wb6-extio6”,
“name”: “External I/O module 6”,
“compatible”: [
“module”: “”,
“options”: {}
“id”: “wb6-extio7”,
“name”: “External I/O module 7”,
“compatible”: [
“module”: “”,
“options”: {}
“id”: “wb6-extio8”,
“name”: “External I/O module 8”,
“compatible”: [
“module”: “”,
“options”: {}
“id”: “wb6-rs485-1”,
“name”: “RS485-1 interface config”,
“compatible”: [
“module”: “wb6-can-rs485”,
“options”: {
“mode”: “enabled”
“id”: “wb6-rs485-2”,
“name”: “RS485-2/CAN interface config”,
“compatible”: [
“module”: “wb6-can-rs485”,
“options”: {
“mode”: “enabled”
“id”: “wb6-w1”,
“name”: “W1 terminal mode”,
“compatible”: [
“module”: “wb6-wx-1wire”,
“options”: {}
“id”: “wb6-w2”,
“name”: “W2 terminal mode”,
“compatible”: [
“module”: “wb6-wx-1wire”,
“options”: {}

вот это ещё. Прошу подробно и целиком описать вашу проблему, без ссылки на чужие симптомы.

При добавлении устройства через настройки оно не отображается в вкладке devices.
Также в настройках пишется о некорректном файле wb… dac.conf.
Попробовал вручную отредактировать wb… dac.conf и добавить параметр iio_devices - в списке вкладки devices оно стало отображаться, но не работает при изменении выходного напряжения бегунком (на выходе 0, мерял мультиметром).

Я так и не разобрался в истинной причине, ждать помощи отчаялся - хардваре ресет и все по новой настроил.

А я купил второй модуль:) если оба не будут работать, то … на выходных проверю.

Как вы сделали хардваре резет?
Может и мне сделать, пока не много всего настроено…

Не ленитесь, смотрите документацию и шерстите форум