Ошибки чтения регистров С2000-ПП

WB7 7.4.2 wb-2404, к RS485-2 подключен Болид С2000-ПП в режиме мастер.
На WB стоит intrahouse.
Необходимо читать регистры состояния шлейфов + по этим же шлейфам значения АЦП.
Если читать регистры самим WB, значения читаются через раз, в логе ошибки вида “WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40000 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out” по всем регистрам рандомно. Хотя изредка бывают короткие моменты чтения без ошибок.
Регистры состояний шлейфов читаются как:

"name": "SMK01",
            "reg_type": "holding",
            "address": "40000:8:8",
            "type": "value",
            "readonly": true,
            "format": "u16",
			"word_order" : "little_endian",
            "scale": 1

Регистры АЦП читаются как:

"name": "SMK01_acp",
            "reg_type": "holding",
            "address": "30060:8:8",
            "type": "value",
            "readonly": true,
            "format": "u16",
			"word_order" : "little_endian",
            "scale": 1

Однако, если отключить порт RS485-2 в конфигурации WB и плагином modbus intrahouse начать читать регистры, значения читаются. Есть нюанс - в intrahouse каналы чтения значений АЦП без галки “группировать при чтении”.
Лог intrahouse при этом:

25.09 20:19:12.408 READ: unitId = 2, FC = 3, address = 30060 (0x756c), length = 1
25.09 20:19:12.764 IH: get [ { id: 's-xPirdq4', value: 0, title: 'smk01', chstatus: 0 } ]
set undefined
25.09 20:19:12.964 READ: unitId = 2, FC = 3, address = 30089 (0x7589), length = 1
25.09 20:19:13.010 IH: get [ { id: 'GAnWBjNwQ', value: 0, title: 'dip01', chstatus: 0 } ]
set undefined
25.09 20:19:13.211 READ: unitId = 2, FC = 3, address = 30090 (0x758a), length = 1
25.09 20:19:13.262 IH: get [ { id: 'hMzHYhwxp', value: 1, title: 'dip02', chstatus: 0 } ]
set undefined
25.09 20:19:13.462 READ: unitId = 2, FC = 3, address = 30091 (0x758b), length = 1
25.09 20:19:13.514 IH: get [ { id: 'cLAtZZ0-y', value: 1, title: 'dip03', chstatus: 0 } ]
set undefined
25.09 20:19:13.714 READ: unitId = 2, FC = 3, address = 30092 (0x758c), length = 1
25.09 20:19:13.768 IH: get [ { id: 'dj9hKk0_p', value: 0, title: 'dip04', chstatus: 0 } ]
set undefined
25.09 20:19:13.968 READ: unitId = 2, FC = 3, address = 30093 (0x758d), length = 1
25.09 20:19:14.020 IH: get [ { id: 'NVCwK_9P0m', value: 0, title: 'dip05', chstatus: 0 } ]
set undefined
25.09 20:19:14.220 READ: unitId = 2, FC = 3, address = 30094 (0x758e), length = 1
25.09 20:19:14.273 IH: get [ { id: 'KvrtiysAy', value: 0, title: 'dip06', chstatus: 0 } ]
set undefined
25.09 20:19:14.473 READ: unitId = 2, FC = 3, address = 40000 (0x9c40), length = 35
25.09 20:19:14.554 IH: get [
  { id: 'mNF_TgfTt', value: 117, title: 'smk01', chstatus: 0 },
  { id: 'xNdVfRicr', value: 24, title: 'dip01', chstatus: 0 },
  { id: '2NuBtbGJ1p', value: 24, title: 'dip02', chstatus: 0 },
  { id: '6S3IdM2NB9', value: 24, title: 'dip03', chstatus: 0 },
  { id: 'ju9wxkXDE', value: 24, title: 'dip04', chstatus: 0 },
  { id: '4OhjSzB7w', value: 24, title: 'dip05', chstatus: 0 },
  { id: 'itN0yFI4c', value: 24, title: 'dip06', chstatus: 0 }
set undefined

Конфигурация каналов intrahouse:
UINT8, 1 Байт, Little-Endian,
Как реализовать безошибочное чтение регистров средствами самого WB?

Добрый день.
Как часто читаются регистры (какие интервалы настроены) в wb-mqtt-serial для порта?
Что происходит если настроить такое же редкое чтение (раз в 250-500 мс) как в приведенном логе?
Ну и - с помощью modbus_client регистры читаются без ошибок или они есть?

Для порта таймаут ответа от 500, 1000 пробовал - не влияет. Изначально регистры опрашивались в порядке очереди - ошибки. Если ставить “периоды опроса” разные до 5000 - ошибки (сложно сказать больше/меньше). “Задержка между сообщениями” пробовал 200мс - ошибки. “Максимальное число регистров, считываемых за один запрос” = 1 - ошибки.
Редкое чтение из лога intrahouse образуется потому, что он не группирует часть регистров. Вероятно проблема в этом. Как посмотреть полный цикл запросов-ответов в WB?
modbus_client не пробовал еще


Попробуйте, это отличная диагностика.

Проверил. Через modbus_client по одному регистру читается без ошибок. Оно, впринципе, и через wb-mqtt-serial читается, просто с периодическими ошибками, в чем и проблема.
Данные modbus_client:

:~# modbus_client --debug -mrtu -b19200 -pnone -s1 /dev/ttyRS485-2 -a2 -t0x03 -r40000
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 19200 bauds (N, 8, 1)
Waiting for a confirmation...
SUCCESS: read 1 of elements:
        Data: 0x752f
:~# modbus_client --debug -mrtu -b19200 -pnone -s1 /dev/ttyRS485-2 -a2 -t0x03 -r30060
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 19200 bauds (N, 8, 1)
Waiting for a confirmation...
SUCCESS: read 1 of elements:
        Data: 0x0000
:~# modbus_client --debug -mrtu -b19200 -pnone -s1 /dev/ttyRS485-2 -a2 -t0x03 -r30060
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 19200 bauds (N, 8, 1)
Waiting for a confirmation...
SUCCESS: read 1 of elements:
        Data: 0x6400
:~# modbus_client --debug -mrtu -b19200 -pnone -s1 /dev/ttyRS485-2 -a2 -t0x03 -r40029
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 19200 bauds (N, 8, 1)
Waiting for a confirmation...
SUCCESS: read 1 of elements:
        Data: 0x182f
:~# modbus_client --debug -mrtu -b19200 -pnone -s1 /dev/ttyRS485-2 -a2 -t0x03 -r40030
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 19200 bauds (N, 8, 1)
Waiting for a confirmation...
SUCCESS: read 1 of elements:
        Data: 0x182f
:~# modbus_client --debug -mrtu -b19200 -pnone -s1 /dev/ttyRS485-2 -a2 -t0x03 -r40031
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 19200 bauds (N, 8, 1)
Waiting for a confirmation...
SUCCESS: read 1 of elements:
        Data: 0x182f
:~# modbus_client --debug -mrtu -b19200 -pnone -s1 /dev/ttyRS485-2 -a2 -t0x03 -r40032
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 19200 bauds (N, 8, 1)
Waiting for a confirmation...
SUCCESS: read 1 of elements:
        Data: 0x182f
:~# modbus_client --debug -mrtu -b19200 -pnone -s1 /dev/ttyRS485-2 -a2 -t0x03 -r30089
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 19200 bauds (N, 8, 1)
Waiting for a confirmation...
SUCCESS: read 1 of elements:
        Data: 0x0000
:~# modbus_client --debug -mrtu -b19200 -pnone -s1 /dev/ttyRS485-2 -a2 -t0x03 -r30090
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 19200 bauds (N, 8, 1)
Waiting for a confirmation...
SUCCESS: read 1 of elements:
        Data: 0x0280
:~# modbus_client --debug -mrtu -b19200 -pnone -s1 /dev/ttyRS485-2 -a2 -t0x03 -r30091
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 19200 bauds (N, 8, 1)
Waiting for a confirmation...
SUCCESS: read 1 of elements:
        Data: 0x01c0
:~# modbus_client --debug -mrtu -b19200 -pnone -s1 /dev/ttyRS485-2 -a2 -t0x03 -r30092
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 19200 bauds (N, 8, 1)
Waiting for a confirmation...
SUCCESS: read 1 of elements:
        Data: 0x0000

Если включить отладку в самом wb-mqtt-serial, то в момент включенной отладки в логе сыпятся еще и ошибки “modbus:2: Serial protocol error: server device is busy”. При выключенной отладке такого нет. Выглядит так (с фильтром по типу сообщения):

26-09-2024 21:28:16.301 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:15.709 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:15.070 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30090 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:13.957 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:13.365 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:12.772 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30091 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:12.086 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30060 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:11.480 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:10.788 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:09.830 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40030 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:09.225 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30091 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:08.146 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:07.540 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40000 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:06.859 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:05.986 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:05.393 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:04.754 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30090 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:03.870 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:03.277 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:02.533 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30060 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:01.928 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:01.336 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30091 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:28:00.710 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:59.785 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40030 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:59.179 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30091 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:58.554 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:57.686 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:57.078 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40000 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:56.399 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:55.441 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:54.802 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30090 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:53.827 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:53.235 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:52.643 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30091 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:51.964 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30060 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:51.356 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:50.660 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:49.857 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40030 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:49.252 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30091 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:48.626 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:47.771 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:47.166 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40000 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:46.489 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:45.718 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:45.126 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:44.431 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:43.698 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:43.106 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:42.513 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30091 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:41.888 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:40.902 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:40.310 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:39.020 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:38.427 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:37.799 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30090 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: server device is busy
26-09-2024 21:27:37.787 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: server device is busy
26-09-2024 21:27:37.775 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30060 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:37.195 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:36.603 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:35.338 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:34.746 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:34.153 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30091 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:33.526 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:32.653 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:32.061 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:31.368 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:30.559 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:29.963 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:29.269 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:28.523 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40030 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:27.546 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:26.942 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40000 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:26.261 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:25.408 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:24.803 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40000 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:24.125 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:23.145 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:22.456 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:21.579 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:20.987 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:20.393 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30091 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:19.767 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:18.697 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:18.103 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:17.409 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:16.657 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:16.065 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:15.428 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30090 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:14.585 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:13.993 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:13.355 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30090 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:12.734 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30060 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:12.129 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:11.536 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30091 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:10.851 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30060 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:10.258 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40030 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:09.553 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:08.707 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40030 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:08.114 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40000 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:07.436 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:06.543 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:05.935 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40000 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:05.256 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:04.283 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:03.691 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:02.999 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:02.203 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:01.611 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:01.019 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30091 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:27:00.395 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:26:59.659 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:26:59.067 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:26:58.474 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30091 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:26:57.849 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:26:56.792 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:26:56.200 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:26:55.607 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30091 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:26:54.982 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:26:54.031 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:26:53.439 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:26:52.745 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:26:51.809 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:26:51.216 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:26:50.577 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30090 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:26:49.507 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40031 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:26:48.915 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:26:48.276 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30090 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:26:47.646 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30060 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:26:47.041 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 40029 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out

Подробнее момент ошибки:

26-09-2024 21:24:10.607 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [serial client] </dev/ttyRS485-2 19200 8 N 1>508819016: Wait until 508819016
26-09-2024 21:24:10.605 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: ReadFrame: 02 03 02 00 00 fc 44
26-09-2024 21:24:10.308 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 4167 us
26-09-2024 21:24:10.304 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Write: 02 03 75 6c 00 01 5e 28
26-09-2024 21:24:10.304 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 0 us
26-09-2024 21:24:10.304 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [serial client] </dev/ttyRS485-2 19200 8 N 1>508818715: Wait until 508818715
26-09-2024 21:24:10.303 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: ReadFrame: 02 03 02 18 2f b7 98
26-09-2024 21:24:10.296 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 4167 us
26-09-2024 21:24:10.292 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Write: 02 03 9c 5f 00 01 9a 7b
26-09-2024 21:24:10.292 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 0 us
26-09-2024 21:24:10.292 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [serial client] </dev/ttyRS485-2 19200 8 N 1>508818702: Wait until 508818702
26-09-2024 21:24:10.291 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: ReadFrame: 02 03 02 18 2f b7 98
26-09-2024 21:24:10.283 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 4167 us
26-09-2024 21:24:10.279 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Write: 02 03 9c 5e 00 01 cb bb
26-09-2024 21:24:10.279 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 0 us
26-09-2024 21:24:10.279 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [serial client] </dev/ttyRS485-2 19200 8 N 1>508818690: Wait until 508818690
26-09-2024 21:24:10.278 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: ReadFrame: 02 03 02 18 2f b7 98
26-09-2024 21:24:10.271 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 4167 us
26-09-2024 21:24:10.266 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Write: 02 03 9c 5d 00 01 3b bb
26-09-2024 21:24:10.266 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 0 us
26-09-2024 21:24:10.266 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [serial client] </dev/ttyRS485-2 19200 8 N 1>508818677: Wait until 508818677
26-09-2024 21:24:10.266 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: ReadFrame: 02 03 02 75 2f 9b 08
26-09-2024 21:24:10.258 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 4167 us
26-09-2024 21:24:10.254 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Write: 02 03 9c 40 00 01 ab bd
26-09-2024 21:24:10.254 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 0 us
26-09-2024 21:24:10.254 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [serial client] </dev/ttyRS485-2 19200 8 N 1>508818664: Wait until 508818664
26-09-2024 21:24:10.252 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30091 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: server device is busy
26-09-2024 21:24:10.252 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: ReadFrame: 02 83 06 31 32
26-09-2024 21:24:10.246 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 4167 us
26-09-2024 21:24:10.243 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Write: 02 03 75 8b 00 01 ee 1f
26-09-2024 21:24:10.243 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 0 us
26-09-2024 21:24:10.241 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [serial client] </dev/ttyRS485-2 19200 8 N 1>508818652: Wait until 508818652
26-09-2024 21:24:10.241 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30090 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: server device is busy
26-09-2024 21:24:10.240 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: ReadFrame: 02 83 06 31 32
26-09-2024 21:24:10.235 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 4167 us
26-09-2024 21:24:10.231 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Write: 02 03 75 8a 00 01 bf df
26-09-2024 21:24:10.231 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 0 us
26-09-2024 21:24:10.231 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [serial client] </dev/ttyRS485-2 19200 8 N 1>508818641: Wait until 508818641
26-09-2024 21:24:10.230 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30089 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: server device is busy
26-09-2024 21:24:10.229 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: ReadFrame: 02 83 06 31 32
26-09-2024 21:24:10.224 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 4167 us
26-09-2024 21:24:10.221 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Write: 02 03 75 89 00 01 4f df
26-09-2024 21:24:10.221 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 0 us
26-09-2024 21:24:10.221 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [serial client] </dev/ttyRS485-2 19200 8 N 1>508818630: Wait until 508818630
26-09-2024 21:24:10.218 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30060 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: request timed out
26-09-2024 21:24:09.642 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 4167 us
26-09-2024 21:24:09.638 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Write: 02 03 75 6c 00 01 5e 28
26-09-2024 21:24:09.638 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 0 us
26-09-2024 21:24:09.638 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [serial client] </dev/ttyRS485-2 19200 8 N 1>508818049: Wait until 508818049
26-09-2024 21:24:09.638 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: ReadFrame: 02 03 02 18 2f b7 98
26-09-2024 21:24:09.630 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 4167 us
26-09-2024 21:24:09.626 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Write: 02 03 9c 5f 00 01 9a 7b
26-09-2024 21:24:09.626 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: Sleep 0 us

А порт /dev/ttyRS485-2 используется точно монопольно? Если одновременно два процесса его используют - то так и будет.
Убедиться можно просто:

fuser -v /dev/ttyRS*

Но если рассмотреть именно ошибку

26-09-2024 21:24:10.252 [wb-mqtt-serial]	WARNING: [modbus] failed to read 1 holding(s) @ 30091 of device modbus:2: Serial protocol error: server device is busy
26-09-2024 21:24:10.252 [wb-mqtt-serial]	DEBUG: [port] /dev/ttyRS485-2: ReadFrame: 02 83 06 31 32

То тут все верно, устроqство говорит что сейчас занято, возвращая 0x83: Протокол Modbus — Wiren Board
С кодом 06 “Server Device Busy Устройство занято обработкой предыдущего запроса.”
Драйвер wb-mqtt-serial выжимает все из шины, запрашивая с максимальной частотой. Не все устройства могут отвечать в таком режиме (наши - могут).
Поэтому - рекомендую уменьшить частоту, добавив в шаблоне

"force_frame_timeout": true

Ну и

"guard_interval_us": 10000,