Проблема с zigbee2mqtt

Добрый день!

Подскажите пожалуйста, куда копать?
Модуль стоит. Просто перестала отвечать вебморда.

Системный журнал

11-01-2022 15:30:13.154 Started zigbee2mqtt.
11-01-2022 15:30:13.122 Stopped zigbee2mqtt.
11-01-2022 15:30:13.112 zigbee2mqtt.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
11-01-2022 15:30:12.877 zigbee2mqtt.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
11-01-2022 15:30:12.866 zigbee2mqtt.service: Unit entered failed state.
11-01-2022 15:30:12.806 zigbee2mqtt.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
11-01-2022 15:30:12.724 npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2022-01-11T10_30_12_462Z-debug.log
11-01-2022 15:30:12.705 npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
11-01-2022 15:30:12.417 npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
11-01-2022 15:30:12.406 npm ERR! Failed at the zigbee2mqtt@1.18.1 start script.
11-01-2022 15:30:12.397 npm ERR!
11-01-2022 15:30:12.380 npm ERR! Exit status 1
11-01-2022 15:30:12.370 npm ERR! zigbee2mqtt@1.18.1 start: node index.js
11-01-2022 15:30:12.016 npm ERR! errno 1
11-01-2022 15:30:12.006 npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
11-01-2022 15:30:10.827 }
11-01-2022 15:30:10.827 requireStack: [ ‘/mnt/data/root/zigbee2mqtt/index.js’ ]
11-01-2022 15:30:10.827 code: ‘MODULE_NOT_FOUND’,
11-01-2022 15:30:10.827 at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:60:12) {
11-01-2022 15:30:10.827 at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:724:14)
11-01-2022 15:30:10.827 at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:879:32)
11-01-2022 15:30:10.827 at Object.Module._extensions…js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1035:10)
11-01-2022 15:30:10.827 at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1015:30)
11-01-2022 15:30:10.827 at Object. (/mnt/data/root/zigbee2mqtt/index.js:1:16)
11-01-2022 15:30:10.827 at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:74:18)
11-01-2022 15:30:10.827 at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:903:19)
11-01-2022 15:30:10.827 at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:687:27)
11-01-2022 15:30:10.827 at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:831:15)
11-01-2022 15:30:10.827 - /mnt/data/root/zigbee2mqtt/index.js
11-01-2022 15:30:10.827 Require stack:
11-01-2022 15:30:10.827 Error: Cannot find module ‘semver’
11-01-2022 15:30:10.827 ^
11-01-2022 15:30:10.827 throw err;
11-01-2022 15:30:10.827 internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:834
11-01-2022 15:30:05.331 > node index.js
11-01-2022 15:30:05.331 > zigbee2mqtt@1.18.1 start /mnt/data/root/zigbee2mqtt
11-01-2022 15:29:42.674 Started zigbee2mqtt.


root@wirenboard-A2TSB4LR:~# systemctl status zigbee2mqtt
● zigbee2mqtt.service - zigbee2mqtt
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/zigbee2mqtt.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2022-01-11 10:54:46 UTC; 29s ago
Main PID: 10212 (node)
CGroup: /system.slice/zigbee2mqtt.service
├─10212 npm
├─10259 /usr/bin/node /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/update-notifier/check.js {“pkg”:{
├─10282 sh -c node index.js
└─10283 node index.js

Jan 11 10:54:46 wirenboard-A2TSB4LR systemd[1]: zigbee2mqtt.service: Unit entered failed state.
Jan 11 10:54:46 wirenboard-A2TSB4LR systemd[1]: zigbee2mqtt.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
Jan 11 10:54:46 wirenboard-A2TSB4LR systemd[1]: zigbee2mqtt.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduli
Jan 11 10:54:46 wirenboard-A2TSB4LR systemd[1]: Stopped zigbee2mqtt.
Jan 11 10:54:46 wirenboard-A2TSB4LR systemd[1]: Started zigbee2mqtt.
Jan 11 10:55:11 wirenboard-A2TSB4LR npm[10212]: > zigbee2mqtt@1.18.1 start /mnt/data/root/zigbee2mqtt
Jan 11 10:55:11 wirenboard-A2TSB4LR npm[10212]: > node index.js

Добрый день. А что в создаваемом “debug” файле, путь к коотрому выводит сервис?

как понимаю речь идет об этом дебаге…?

его нет…

Выполните запуск вручную:

systemctl stop zigbee2mqtt
cd /mnt/data/root/zigbee2mqtt && node index.js

Ну и покажите результат


const semver = require(‘semver’);
const engines = require(’./package.json’).engines;
const indexJsRestart = ‘indexjs.restart’;

let controller;
let stopping = false;

async function restart() {
await stop(indexJsRestart);
await start();

async function exit(code, reason) {
if (reason !== indexJsRestart) {

async function start() {
const version = engines.node;
if (!semver.satisfies(process.version, version)) {
console.log(\t\tZigbee2MQTT requires node version ${version}, you are running ${process.version}!\n); // eslint-disable-line

// Validate settings
const settings = require('./lib/util/settings');
const errors = settings.validate();
if (errors.length > 0) {
    console.log('            READ THIS CAREFULLY\n');
    console.log(`Refusing to start because configuration is not valid, found the following errors:`);
    for (const error of errors) {
        console.log(`- ${error}`);
    console.log(`\nIf you don't know how to solve this, read https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/information/configuration.html`); // eslint-disable-line

const Controller = require('./lib/controller');
controller = new Controller(restart, exit);
await controller.start();


async function stop(reason=null) {
await controller.stop(reason);

async function handleQuit() {
if (!stopping && controller) {
stopping = true;
await stop();

process.on(‘SIGINT’, handleQuit);
process.on(‘SIGTERM’, handleQuit);


npm install semver

Last login: Wed Jan 12 08:44:32 2022 from
root@wirenboard-A2TSB4LR:~# npm install semver
npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘/mnt/data/root/package.json’
npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘/mnt/data/root/package.json’
npm WARN root No description
npm WARN root No repository field.
npm WARN root No README data
npm WARN root No license field.

  • semver@7.3.5
    updated 1 package and audited 4 packages in 26.113s
    found 0 vulnerabilities

  • semver@7.3.5
    updated 1 package and audited 4 packages in 24.961s
    found 0 vulnerabilities

root@wirenboard-A2TSB4LR:~# npm install semver
npm WARN root No description
npm WARN root No repository field.
npm WARN root No license field.

  • semver@7.3.5
    updated 1 package and audited 3 packages in 32.686s
    found 0 vulnerabilities

Системный журнал

12-01-2022 14:52:39.544 Started zigbee2mqtt.
12-01-2022 14:52:39.362 Stopped zigbee2mqtt.
12-01-2022 14:52:39.178 zigbee2mqtt.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
12-01-2022 14:52:38.969 (node:23040) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
12-01-2022 14:52:38.740 (node:23040) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag --unhandled-rejections=strict (see Command-line options | Node.js v17.3.1 Documentation). (rejection id: 1)
12-01-2022 14:52:38.740 at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:903:19)
12-01-2022 14:52:38.740 at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:724:14)
12-01-2022 14:52:38.740 at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:879:32)
12-01-2022 14:52:38.740 at Object.Module._extensions…js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1035:10)
12-01-2022 14:52:38.740 at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1015:30)
12-01-2022 14:52:38.740 at Object. (/mnt/data/root/zigbee2mqtt/lib/util/utils.js:1:16)
12-01-2022 14:52:38.740 at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:74:18)
12-01-2022 14:52:38.740 at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:903:19)
12-01-2022 14:52:38.740 at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:687:27)
12-01-2022 14:52:38.740 at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:831:15)
12-01-2022 14:52:38.740 - /mnt/data/root/zigbee2mqtt/index.js
12-01-2022 14:52:38.740 - /mnt/data/root/zigbee2mqtt/lib/util/settings.js
12-01-2022 14:52:38.740 - /mnt/data/root/zigbee2mqtt/lib/util/utils.js
12-01-2022 14:52:38.740 Require stack:
12-01-2022 14:52:38.740 (node:23040) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Cannot find module ‘fast-deep-equal/es6’
12-01-2022 14:52:32.663 > node index.js
12-01-2022 14:52:32.663 > zigbee2mqtt@1.18.1 start /mnt/data/root/zigbee2mqtt
12-01-2022 14:52:21.497 Started zigbee2mqtt.

То есть не хватает не только одного модуля. Советую удалить nodejs и поставить снова.



Эта тема была автоматически закрыта через 7 дней после последнего ответа. В ней больше нельзя отвечать.