Hi all,
I need help with WB-MIO and two WBIO-DI-WD-14 modules.
I have the WB-MIO connected to Allen-Bradley PLC using MODBUS-RTU, the status LED blink fine with no issues, I have communication, but when I read the Module 1 and Module 2 Inputs registers I don’t get anything.
Can someone help me? I believe the issue can be related with configuration, but I don’t know what I need to change at this moment to get Inputs modules information.
The registers I’m trying to get:
1000 - 1015 >> Input Module 1
2000 - 2015 >> Input Module 2
I tried the Counters too:
1250 - 1265 >> Input Module 1
2250 - 2265 >> Input Module 2
To complement more the information, I can get the 2 at the registers 997 and 996.
Thank you.
Good day!
I connect MIO to RS-485 port:
try recieve modute 1 inputs, WD-14
Define variabe^
export DEV_PORT=/dev/ttyRS485-2
export DEV_ADDR=157
Make Modbus RTU requiest (all inputs open):
modbus_client --debug -mrtu -pnone -s2 $DEV_PORT -a$DEV_ADDR -t0x01 -r1000 -c14
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 9600 bauds (N, 8, 2)
Waiting for a confirmation...
SUCCESS: read 14 of elements:
Data: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
with connected Inpit 11 to iGnd:
modbus_client --debug -mrtu -pnone -s2 $DEV_PORT -a$DEV_ADDR -t0x01 -r1000 -c14
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 9600 bauds (N, 8, 2)
Waiting for a confirmation...
SUCCESS: read 14 of elements:
Data: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00
coil wih address 1010 (not 0x1010, i use decimal address) is “1”
I can read value 1010 coil^
modbus_client --debug -mrtu -pnone -s2 $DEV_PORT -a$DEV_ADDR -t0x01 -r1010
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 9600 bauds (N, 8, 2)
Waiting for a confirmation...
SUCCESS: read 1 of elements:
Data: 0x01
Remember, for use inputs as dry contacts - need close conact to “iGnd”, not “Com”.
coils 1000 - 1014 >> Input Module 1
2000 - 2014 >> Input Module 2
If you read coil over 2014 - modbus can return error.
I believe the issue is related to the configuration at WB-MIO.
I did a factory reset, but before I can get information at Module 2, but not Module 1. I swap the modules I can only get information at Module 2, using the registers 2000 > 2014, but never from 1000 > 1014.
After the factory reset, I can’t get anything, even from module 2. I believe I need to do some configuration, but I don’t know what. I did a reset without the modules(DI-14) connected.
I’m using the iGND.
Thank you
Which values should I get at those registers?
I upload again the MIO stable firmware:
The same issue, I can communicate, but no information from Registers 1000 > 1014 / 2000 > 2014.
Hello all,
I can get again information from Module B (Position 2), but not from Module A( Position 1):
The communication between AB PLC and WB has an offset of +1 for the registers ID. I can get the value 256(Input 9 connected between iGND).
If I do the same for Module A (Position 1), change the Register Address to 1001 I don’t get anything:
I have the connection between iGND and Input 9 connected (Module A / Position 1).
If I swap the (A) with (B), so at position 1 I will have module B and Position 2 the Module A, I get the information from Module A. I can’t get the information from Position 1, independent of the module.

Some help?
Thank you.
No, for WD-14 not need any configurations, is work with default.
So, let’s check if the first module is working.
From 997 holding register we get “2” - it means it is recognized successfully.
Let’s try to read the values of the counters for the inputs. It is necessary to close and open the input “1” several times.
Input counters are located in 1250 - 1265 holding
For module “A” input “1” - 1250 holding. Read it:
modbus_client --debug -mrtu -pnone -s2 $DEV_PORT -a$DEV_ADDR -t0x03 -r1250
Opening /dev/ttyRS485-2 at 9600 bauds (N, 8, 2)
Waiting for a confirmation...
SUCCESS: read 1 of elements:
Data: 0x0017
Does the software you are using have the ability to show debug information about the command sent and received via Modbus?
Or show how you request the states of the inputs, it is important that this is a coil, not a holding.
I don’t have nothing from 1250 > 1265. (see the picture)
About the “Coil” and “Holding” registers I use a different command for each type. You can see in the picture the translate table by code.
Yes, I can get “2” at 997(Module1) and 996(Module 2).
With this PLC the 998 > Module 1 and 997 > Module 2.
Do you have any application I can use at Windows with a USB > RS485 adapter? At this moment I can’t test, because I’m doing this now remotely, but I can test today if you provide some windows application I can use.
Thank you.
OK, thanks.
I will do some tests and give more feedback.
Let’s check the MIO configuration to work with input modules. Check that the following registers have values.
Address (base address for first WD-14 module) - value
11000 - 0xffff
11001 - 0x0000
11002 - 0xffff
11003 - 0x0000
11004 - 0x0000
11005 - 0x4444
10999 - 0x0001
For second module addresses increased on 1000:
12000 - 0xffff
12001 - 0x0000
12002 - 0xffff
12003 - 0x0000
12004 - 0x0000
12005 - 0x4444
11999 - 0x0001
For third module addreses 13000, 13001…
No. I have everything 0 for all:
I changed all the registers with the values you gave and now I can get the information from Position 1 and Position 2.
Those configurations should not be already configured with WB-MIO base firmware?
The default is no. But they are saved in the flash memory of the module and do not need to be configured every time.
Perfect! I will do more tests during the weekend and I will let you know if I have more issues.
Thank you for the support!!