Нет напряжения на шине RS-485 на Vout и GND

Добрый день. Нет напряжения на шине RS-485 Wiren Board 7 помогите решить проблему.
Все работало, и в один момент контроллер перестал видеть модули.
Обновляли до последней версии, делали сброс к заводским настройкам, проблема осталась.
последние сообщения в системном журнале:

15-10-2024 11:48:24.523 [init.scope] knxd.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
15-10-2024 11:48:24.522 [init.scope] knxd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
15-10-2024 11:48:24.520 [init.scope] Started KNX Daemon.
15-10-2024 11:48:24.519 [knxd] WirenboardKNX: F00000105: [12:server] Link down, terminating
15-10-2024 11:48:24.515 [knxd] WirenboardKNX: E00000064: [19:router] router: setup router: failed
15-10-2024 11:48:24.495 [wb-mqtt-serial] WARNING: </dev/ttyRS485-1 9600 8 N 2>: closed due to repetitive errors
15-10-2024 11:48:24.473 [init.scope] Starting KNX Daemon…
15-10-2024 11:48:24.465 [init.scope] Stopped KNX Daemon.
15-10-2024 11:48:24.462 [init.scope] knxd.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 140.
15-10-2024 11:48:19.360 [wb-mqtt-serial] WARNING: </dev/ttyRS485-1 9600 8 N 2>: closed due to repetitive errors
15-10-2024 11:48:14.357 [wb-mqtt-serial] WARNING: </dev/ttyRS485-1 9600 8 N 2>: closed due to repetitive errors
15-10-2024 11:48:14.272 [init.scope] knxd.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
15-10-2024 11:48:14.271 [init.scope] knxd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
15-10-2024 11:48:14.269 [init.scope] Started KNX Daemon.
15-10-2024 11:48:14.268 [knxd] WirenboardKNX: F00000105: [12:server] Link down, terminating
15-10-2024 11:48:14.265 [knxd] WirenboardKNX: E00000064: [19:router] router: setup router: failed
15-10-2024 11:48:14.223 [init.scope] Starting KNX Daemon…
15-10-2024 11:48:14.215 [init.scope] Stopped KNX Daemon.
15-10-2024 11:48:14.212 [init.scope] knxd.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 139.
15-10-2024 11:48:11.415 [NetworkManager] [1728982091.4152] audit: op=connection-activate uuid=91f1c71d-2d97-4675-886f-ecbe52b8451e name=wb-eth0 pid=1361 uid=0 result=fail reason=Connection ‘wb-eth0’ is not available on device eth0 because device has no carrier
15-10-2024 11:48:11.165 [NetworkManager] [1728982091.1647] audit: op=connection-activate uuid=c3e38405-9c17-4155-ad70-664311b49066 name=wb-eth1 pid=1361 uid=0 result=fail reason=Connection ‘wb-eth1’ is not available on device eth1 because device has no carrier
15-10-2024 11:48:09.351 [wb-mqtt-serial] WARNING: </dev/ttyRS485-1 9600 8 N 2>: closed due to repetitive errors
15-10-2024 11:48:04.219 [wb-mqtt-serial] WARNING: </dev/ttyRS485-1 9600 8 N 2>: closed due to repetitive errors
15-10-2024 11:48:04.024 [init.scope] knxd.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
15-10-2024 11:48:04.023 [init.scope] knxd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
15-10-2024 11:48:04.021 [init.scope] Started KNX Daemon.
15-10-2024 11:48:04.020 [knxd] WirenboardKNX: F00000105: [12:server] Link down, terminating
15-10-2024 11:48:04.017 [knxd] WirenboardKNX: E00000064: [19:router] router: setup router: failed
15-10-2024 11:48:03.973 [init.scope] Starting KNX Daemon…
15-10-2024 11:48:03.965 [init.scope] Stopped KNX Daemon.
15-10-2024 11:48:03.962 [init.scope] knxd.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 138.
15-10-2024 11:47:59.216 [wb-mqtt-serial] WARNING: </dev/ttyRS485-1 9600 8 N 2>: closed due to repetitive errors
15-10-2024 11:47:54.085 [wb-mqtt-serial] WARNING: </dev/ttyRS485-1 9600 8 N 2>: closed due to repetitive errors
15-10-2024 11:47:53.771 [init.scope] knxd.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
15-10-2024 11:47:53.770 [init.scope] knxd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
15-10-2024 11:47:53.768 [init.scope] Started KNX Daemon.
15-10-2024 11:47:53.768 [knxd] WirenboardKNX: F00000105: [12:server] Link down, terminating
15-10-2024 11:47:53.765 [knxd] WirenboardKNX: E00000064: [19:router] router: setup router: failed
15-10-2024 11:47:53.723 [init.scope] Starting KNX Daemon…
15-10-2024 11:47:53.715 [init.scope] Stopped KNX Daemon.
15-10-2024 11:47:53.712 [init.scope] knxd.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 137.
15-10-2024 11:47:49.067 [wb-mqtt-serial] WARNING: </dev/ttyRS485-1 9600 8 N 2>: closed due to repetitive errors
15-10-2024 11:47:44.054 [wb-mqtt-serial] WARNING: </dev/ttyRS485-1 9600 8 N 2>: closed due to repetitive errors
15-10-2024 11:47:43.521 [init.scope] knxd.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
15-10-2024 11:47:43.521 [init.scope] knxd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
15-10-2024 11:47:43.518 [init.scope] Started KNX Daemon.
15-10-2024 11:47:43.517 [knxd] WirenboardKNX: F00000105: [12:server] Link down, terminating
15-10-2024 11:47:43.515 [knxd] WirenboardKNX: E00000064: [19:router] router: setup router: failed
15-10-2024 11:47:43.473 [init.scope] Starting KNX Daemon…
15-10-2024 11:47:43.465 [init.scope] Stopped KNX Daemon.
15-10-2024 11:47:43.462 [init.scope] knxd.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 136.

Добрый день!
Ну первым делом можно проверить, включен ли Vout в интерфейсе, например,

Если включен, то прикрепите, пожалуйста диагностический архив. Также подскажите, пожалуйста, меняли ли подключение перед возникновением проблемы?

так выглядит раздел устройства

приложен диагностический архив, доступен только сотрудникам поддержки
(144,2 КБ)

перед возникновением проблемы подключил датчики PH/T/EC и gercon один конец на выход 5Vout вход в аналоговый порт

Добрый день.

Попробуем локализовать проблему:

  1. Выключите контроллер
  2. Отключите электропитание всех периферийных устройств от контроллера
  3. Включите контроллер

Появилось ли напряжение на клемме Vout контроллера?

Проблема была в питании, спасибо за ответы.