Ошибка при прошивке контроллера fit образом

Хочу обновить контроллер и увеличить размер rootfs.
При обновлении через вебморду получаю ошибку:
Nothing happened after reboot, maybe U-boot is outdated?

Перед апдейтом сделал:

apt update 
apt upgrade

Лог из вебморды:

Received good update FIT /mnt/data/.wb-update/202312180618_testing_bullseye_wb67.fit, starting update
Mon Dec 25 15:58:27 UTC 2023: started update from /mnt/data/.wb-update/202312180618_testing_bullseye_wb67.fit
Description:         WirenBoard firmware update
Compatible device:   contactless,imx6ul-wirenboard670
Firmware version:    202312180618
Firmware compatible: +single-rootfs +fit-factory-reset +force-repartition +repartition-ramsize-fix
Release name:        unstable.latest
Release suite:       testing
Release target:      wb6/bullseye
Release repo prefix:
Time of creation:    Mon Dec 18 06:20:42 UTC 2023

>>> Checking SHA1 hash of install
>>> SHA1 hash of install ok
32+0 records in
32+0 records out
16384 bytes (16 kB, 16 KiB) copied, 0.0347431 s, 472 kB/s
tar: stdout: write error
>>> Firmware seems to be compatible with this controller
>>> Extracting install script
>>> Running install script
>>> Using flags from /mnt/data/.wb-update/install_update.web.flags: --force-repartition
>>> Console logging enabled; tempfile /tmp/tmp.aD713OxJq0, final file /mnt/data/.wb-update/wb-console.log will be written on exit
32+0 records in
32+0 records out
16384 bytes (16 kB, 16 KiB) copied, 0.00640401 s, 2.6 MB/s
tar: stdout: write error
>>> Firmware seems to be compatible with this controller
>>> Checking SHA1 hash of rootfs
>>> SHA1 hash of rootfs ok
>>> rootfs is valid, installing firmware update
>>> Current factory FIT supports single-rootfs feature, keeping it
>>> Watch logs in the debug console, or in /mnt/data/.wb-update/state/update.log
>>> Rebooting system to install update
>>> Waiting for Wiren Board to boot again...
>>> Reboot system

И собственно после ребута в прогресс баре и возникает ошибка упомянутая выше.

Дебаг инфо:

# cat /proc/device-tree/chosen/u-boot-version
U-Boot 2021.10-wb1.7.1-gaf2600c5e5 (Oct 23 2023 - 08:43:42 +0000)

# wb-release
Wirenboard release unstable.latest (as testing), target wb6/bullseye

# apt policy u-boot-wb6
  Installed: 2:2021.10+wb1.7.1
  Candidate: 2:2021.10+wb1.7.1
  Version table:
 *** 2:2021.10+wb1.7.1 990
        990 http://deb.wirenboard.com/wb6/bullseye testing/main armhf Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

# df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root       980M  809M  104M  89% /
devtmpfs        493M     0  493M   0% /dev
tmpfs           502M  4.0K  502M   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs           201M  1.2M  200M   1% /run
tmpfs           5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
/dev/mmcblk0p6  4.7G  1.1G  3.4G  24% /mnt/data
tmpfs           101M     0  101M   0% /run/user/0

# free -h
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           1.0Gi       280Mi       339Mi       1.0Mi       382Mi       739Mi
Swap:          255Mi          0B       255Mi

# cat /mnt/data/.wb-update/wb-console.log
>>> Console logging enabled; tempfile /tmp/tmp.aD713OxJq0, final file /mnt/data/.wb-update/wb-console.log will be written on exit
32+0 records in
32+0 records out
16384 bytes (16 kB, 16 KiB) copied, 0.00640401 s, 2.6 MB/s
tar: stdout: write error
>>> Firmware seems to be compatible with this controller
>>> Checking SHA1 hash of rootfs
>>> SHA1 hash of rootfs ok
>>> rootfs is valid, installing firmware update
>>> Current factory FIT supports single-rootfs feature, keeping it
>>> Watch logs in the debug console, or in /mnt/data/.wb-update/state/update.log
>>> Rebooting system to install update
>>> Waiting for Wiren Board to boot again...

Версия головы Wiren Board 6.7.2

Добрый день.
Рекомендую для начала все ж обновить пакеты с помощью apt.

Ну и - пакет u-boot-wb6 актуальный, а вот сам загрузчик - непонятно пока.


Пакет обновил первый шагом, apt говорит что все последней версии сейчас.

u-boot тоже последней версии см вторую часть первого поста

Запустите из консоли, так: Как обновить контроллер через fit образ из консоли? - #3 от пользователя Explorerol
Ну и покажите вывод пожалуйста.

Прошивка обновилась

wb-run-update ./latest.fit
Wed Dec 27 14:24:33 UTC 2023: started update from /mnt/data/latest.fit
Description:         WirenBoard firmware update
Compatible device:   contactless,imx6ul-wirenboard670
Firmware version:    202312251850
Firmware compatible: +single-rootfs +fit-factory-reset +force-repartition +repartition-ramsize-fix
Release name:        unstable.latest
Release suite:       testing
Release target:      wb6/bullseye
Release repo prefix:
Time of creation:    Mon Dec 25 18:53:11 UTC 2023

>>> Checking SHA1 hash of install
>>> SHA1 hash of install ok
32+0 records in
32+0 records out
16384 bytes (16 kB, 16 KiB) copied, 0.00411476 s, 4.0 MB/s
>>> Firmware seems to be compatible with this controller
>>> Extracting install script
>>> Running install script
>>> Console logging enabled; tempfile /tmp/tmp.uGmcEBNDo4, final file /mnt/data/wb-console.log will be written on exit
32+0 records in
32+0 records out
16384 bytes (16 kB, 16 KiB) copied, 0.0150781 s, 1.1 MB/s
>>> Firmware seems to be compatible with this controller
>>> Checking SHA1 hash of rootfs
>>> SHA1 hash of rootfs ok
>>> rootfs is valid, installing firmware update
>>> Getting mmcpart from U-Boot environment
>>> Will install to /dev/mmcblk0p3
>>> Debian: bullseye -> bullseye
>>> Cleaning up /dev/mmcblk0p3
>>> Cleaning up using rsync
>>> Mounting /dev/mmcblk0p3 at /tmp/tmp.FD2160GmDG
>>> Extracting files to new rootfs
/tmp/tmp.FD2160GmDG /mnt/data
>>> Recovering device certificates
>>> Mount /dev, /proc and /sys to rootfs /tmp/tmp.FD2160GmDG
>>> Running post-install scripts
>>> > Processing /tmp/tmp.FD2160GmDG/usr/lib/wb-image-update/postinst/10update-u-boot
Skipping u-boot update (use factory reset to do it)
>>> > Processing /tmp/tmp.FD2160GmDG/usr/lib/wb-image-update/postinst/10update-wbec-firmware
Skipping WBEC firmware update (use factory reset to do it)
>>> Unmounting /dev, /proc and /sys from rootfs /tmp/tmp.FD2160GmDG
>>> Switching to new rootfs
>>> Done!
>>> Removing FIT /mnt/data/latest.fit
>>> Unmounting rootfs
>>> Reboot system

Но потом при попытке обновить через вебморду с расширение rootfs ошибка таже что выше писал

Nothing happened after reboot, maybe U-boot is outdated?

Received good update FIT /mnt/data/.wb-update/202312251850_testing_bullseye_wb67.fit, starting update
Wed Dec 27 14:33:59 UTC 2023: started update from /mnt/data/.wb-update/202312251850_testing_bullseye_wb67.fit
Description:         WirenBoard firmware update
Compatible device:   contactless,imx6ul-wirenboard670
Firmware version:    202312251850
Firmware compatible: +single-rootfs +fit-factory-reset +force-repartition +repartition-ramsize-fix
Release name:        unstable.latest
Release suite:       testing
Release target:      wb6/bullseye
Release repo prefix:
Time of creation:    Mon Dec 25 18:53:11 UTC 2023

>>> Checking SHA1 hash of install
>>> SHA1 hash of install ok
32+0 records in
32+0 records out
16384 bytes (16 kB, 16 KiB) copied, 0.00755387 s, 2.2 MB/s
tar: stdout: write error
>>> Firmware seems to be compatible with this controller
>>> Extracting install script
>>> Running install script
>>> Using flags from /mnt/data/.wb-update/install_update.web.flags: --force-repartition
>>> Console logging enabled; tempfile /tmp/tmp.MckTFa7ypK, final file /mnt/data/.wb-update/wb-console.log will be written on exit
32+0 records in
32+0 records out
16384 bytes (16 kB, 16 KiB) copied, 0.00543125 s, 3.0 MB/s
tar: stdout: write error
>>> Firmware seems to be compatible with this controller
>>> Checking SHA1 hash of rootfs
>>> SHA1 hash of rootfs ok
>>> rootfs is valid, installing firmware update
>>> Current factory FIT supports single-rootfs feature, keeping it
>>> Watch logs in the debug console, or in /mnt/data/.wb-update/state/update.log
>>> Rebooting system to install update
>>> Waiting for Wiren Board to boot again...
>>> Reboot system

А из консоли с тем же “–force-repartition”?

Как понять что флаг распознался из вызова команды?
wb-run-update ./latest.fit --force-repartition
wb-run-update ./latest.fit -force-repartition

В обоих случая ничего не поменялось, размер раздела остался тем же что и был
Аутпут вызова первой команды:

wb-run-update ./latest.fit --force-repartition
Wed Dec 27 16:06:22 UTC 2023: started update from /mnt/data/latest.fit
Description:         WirenBoard firmware update
Compatible device:   contactless,imx6ul-wirenboard670
Firmware version:    202312251850
Firmware compatible: +single-rootfs +fit-factory-reset +force-repartition +repartition-ramsize-fix
Release name:        unstable.latest
Release suite:       testing
Release target:      wb6/bullseye
Release repo prefix:
Time of creation:    Mon Dec 25 18:53:11 UTC 2023

>>> Checking SHA1 hash of install
>>> SHA1 hash of install ok
32+0 records in
32+0 records out
16384 bytes (16 kB, 16 KiB) copied, 0.00749312 s, 2.2 MB/s
>>> Firmware seems to be compatible with this controller
>>> Extracting install script
>>> Running install script
>>> Console logging enabled; tempfile /tmp/tmp.aEexSygy2y, final file /mnt/data/wb-console.log will be written on exit
32+0 records in
32+0 records out
16384 bytes (16 kB, 16 KiB) copied, 0.00348893 s, 4.7 MB/s
>>> Firmware seems to be compatible with this controller
>>> Checking SHA1 hash of rootfs
>>> SHA1 hash of rootfs ok
>>> rootfs is valid, installing firmware update
>>> Current factory FIT supports single-rootfs feature, keeping it
>>> Watch logs in the debug console, or in /mnt/data/.wb-update/state/update.log
>>> Rebooting system to install update
>>> Waiting for Wiren Board to boot again...
>>> Reboot system

Раздел не изменился и я попробовал с одним дефисом

./latest.fit -force-repartition
Wed Dec 27 16:20:37 UTC 2023: started update from /mnt/data/latest.fit
Description:         WirenBoard firmware update
Compatible device:   contactless,imx6ul-wirenboard670
Firmware version:    202312251850
Firmware compatible: +single-rootfs +fit-factory-reset +force-repartition +repartition-ramsize-fix
Release name:        unstable.latest
Release suite:       testing
Release target:      wb6/bullseye
Release repo prefix:
Time of creation:    Mon Dec 25 18:53:11 UTC 2023

>>> Checking SHA1 hash of install
>>> SHA1 hash of install ok
32+0 records in
32+0 records out
16384 bytes (16 kB, 16 KiB) copied, 0.00906454 s, 1.8 MB/s
>>> Firmware seems to be compatible with this controller
>>> Extracting install script
>>> Running install script
>>> Console logging enabled; tempfile /tmp/tmp.qUGBhCY0uD, final file /mnt/data/wb-console.log will be written on exit
32+0 records in
32+0 records out
16384 bytes (16 kB, 16 KiB) copied, 0.0074119 s, 2.2 MB/s
>>> Firmware seems to be compatible with this controller
>>> Checking SHA1 hash of rootfs
>>> SHA1 hash of rootfs ok
>>> rootfs is valid, installing firmware update
>>> Getting mmcpart from U-Boot environment
>>> Will install to /dev/mmcblk0p2
>>> Debian: bullseye -> bullseye
>>> Cleaning up /dev/mmcblk0p2
>>> Cleaning up using rsync
>>> Mounting /dev/mmcblk0p2 at /tmp/tmp.gm1uUe2xl7
>>> Extracting files to new rootfs
/tmp/tmp.gm1uUe2xl7 /mnt/data
>>> Recovering device certificates
>>> Mount /dev, /proc and /sys to rootfs /tmp/tmp.gm1uUe2xl7
>>> Running post-install scripts
>>> > Processing /tmp/tmp.gm1uUe2xl7/usr/lib/wb-image-update/postinst/10update-u-boot
Skipping u-boot update (use factory reset to do it)
>>> > Processing /tmp/tmp.gm1uUe2xl7/usr/lib/wb-image-update/postinst/10update-wbec-firmware
Skipping WBEC firmware update (use factory reset to do it)
>>> Unmounting /dev, /proc and /sys from rootfs /tmp/tmp.gm1uUe2xl7
>>> Switching to new rootfs
>>> Done!
>>> Removing FIT /mnt/data/latest.fit
>>> Unmounting rootfs
>>> Reboot system

Пока нет предположений, к сожалению. Предлагаю сделать factory reset, сохранив все конфиги и скрипты.

1 сообщение было перенесено в новую тему: Расширение корневого раздела на контроллере ревизии 6.7.2