Ошибки при обновлении через apt

          _                _                         _ 
__      _(_)_ __ ___ _ __ | |__   ___   __ _ _ __ __| |
\ \ /\ / / | '__/ _ \ '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ / _` | '__/ _` |
 \ V  V /| | | |  __/ | | | |_) | (_) | (_| | | | (_| |
  \_/\_/ |_|_|  \___|_| |_|_.__/ \___/ \__,_|_|  \__,_|
Welcome to Wiren Board 6.7.2 (s/n A5A6674T), release wb-2307 (as stable)
Linux wirenboard-A5A6674T 5.10.35-wb142 #1 Thu Jul 20 07:59:09 UTC 2023 armv7l GNU/Linux

System load:   0.76 1.00 1.05	Up time:       34 days 6:29	
Memory usage:  77% of 494M   	Usage of /:    38% of 2.0G   	/mnt/data:     29% of 4.7G   	

The following network interfaces were found in /etc/network/interfaces
which means they are currently configured by ifupdown:

 - eth0
 - eth1
 - wlan0

If you want to manage those interfaces with NetworkManager instead
remove their configuration from /etc/network/interfaces
or use web interface config editor to remove them.

12 package updates are available; type 'apt update && apt upgrade' to update them.

при обновлении:

Настраивается пакет wb-configs (3.18.5-wb100) …

Удаляется «отклонение /etc/ssh/sshd_config в /etc/ssh/sshd_config.wb-orig из-за wb-configs»

*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/hostname is not linked to either hostname.wb or hostname.wb-orig

*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/fstab is not linked to either fstab.wb or fstab.wb-orig

*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/network/interfaces is not linked to either interfaces.wb or interfaces.wb-orig

*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/dnsmasq.conf is not linked to either dnsmasq.conf.wb or dnsmasq.conf.wb-orig

*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/hostapd.conf is not linked to either hostapd.conf.wb or hostapd.conf.wb-orig

Добавляется «отклонение /etc/ssh/sshd_config в /etc/ssh/sshd_config.wb-orig из-за wb-configs»

Failed to get unit file state for rsyslog.service: No such file or directory

rsyslog is a disabled or a static unit not running, not starting it.

Setting ownership www-data to /mnt/data/uploads

Что это и что с этим делать?

Добрый день.
Сосем непонятен вопрос, честно говоря.

при обновлении вижу зловещие предупреждения и нет файла syslog.service, так и задумано и это можно игнорировать или сигнализирует о неисправности и надо принимать меры?

И не должно быть, в актуальных релизах systemd-journald.

Добрый день, если есть вопросы - не стесняйтесь пожалуйста.

У меня точно такая же ошибка как в первом сообщении. На этом процесс обновления зависает. И перед этим Web-интерфейс стал полностью недоступен (никаких ручных действий за прошедший месяц не совершалось; все работало нормально).

Какая ошибка? Я в первом сообщении этой темы ошибок не вижу вообще.

Покажите пожалуйста результат выполнения (с компьютера)

wget -O -

Адрес контроллера, естественно, поставьте свой.
Ну и - проверьте слушается ли порт на контроллере.

Setting up wb-configs (3.18.11) …
Removing ‘diversion of /etc/ssh/sshd_config to /etc/ssh/sshd_config.wb-orig by wb-configs’
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/locale.gen is not linked to either locale.gen.wb or locale.gen.wb-orig
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/hostname is not linked to either hostname.wb or hostname.wb-orig
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/fstab is not linked to either fstab.wb or fstab.wb-orig
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/network/interfaces is not linked to either interfaces.wb or interfaces.wb-orig
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/dnsmasq.conf is not linked to either dnsmasq.conf.wb or dnsmasq.conf.wb-orig
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/hostapd.conf is not linked to either hostapd.conf.wb or hostapd.conf.wb-orig
Adding ‘diversion of /etc/ssh/sshd_config to /etc/ssh/sshd_config.wb-orig by wb-configs’
Failed to get unit file state for rsyslog.service: No such file or directory
rsyslog is a disabled or a static unit not running, not starting it.

Progress: [ 0%]

Все. Далее НИЧЕГО не происходит.

root@wirenboard-ANZB5WIG:~# wget -O -
--2023-09-13 12:37:30--
Connecting to connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 9699 (9.5K) [text/html]
Saving to: 'STDOUT'

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-                              100%[==================================================>]   9.47K  --.-KB/s    in 0.02s

2023-09-13 12:37:31 (444 KB/s) - written to stdout [9699/9699]

А тут интересно. Списки пакетов обновлены предварительно? Сколько места на разделах свободно?
Давайте полный лог.

Да, видно что на контроллере все в части web работает. А с компьютера?

Подскажите, сейчас веб-интерфейс контроллера доступен? Пришлите скрин окна “Настройки->Система” и диагностический архив.

Похожая картина…

root@wirenboard-AW5T5GA4:~# apt update
Hit:1 http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye InRelease
Hit:2 http://security.debian.org/debian-security bullseye-security InRelease
Hit:3 http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye-updates InRelease
Hit:4 http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye-backports InRelease
Hit:5 http://deb.wirenboard.com/wb6/bullseye stable InRelease
Get:6 https://deb.nodesource.com/node_16.x bullseye InRelease [4 586 B]
Fetched 4 586 B in 11s (435 B/s)
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
11 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.
root@wirenboard-AW5T5GA4:~# apt list --upgradable
Listing... Done
bind9-host/oldstable-security 1:9.16.44-1~deb11u1 armhf [upgradable from: 1:9.16.42-1~deb11u1]
bind9-libs/oldstable-security 1:9.16.44-1~deb11u1 armhf [upgradable from: 1:9.16.42-1~deb11u1]
libmosquitto1/oldstable-security 2.0.11-1+deb11u1 armhf [upgradable from: 2.0.11-1]
libmosquittopp1/oldstable-security 2.0.11-1+deb11u1 armhf [upgradable from: 2.0.11-1]
libwebp6/oldstable-security 0.6.1-2.1+deb11u2 armhf [upgradable from: 0.6.1-2.1+deb11u1]
linux-image-wb6/stable 5.10.35-wb142+wb101 armhf [upgradable from: 5.10.35-wb142]
mosquitto-clients/oldstable-security 2.0.11-1+deb11u1 armhf [upgradable from: 2.0.11-1]
mosquitto/oldstable-security 2.0.11-1+deb11u1 armhf [upgradable from: 2.0.11-1]
wb-configs/stable 3.18.5-wb101 all [upgradable from: 3.18.5-wb100]
wb-mqtt-homeui/stable 2.75.11 all [upgradable from: 2.75.6]
wb-release-info/stable 1.0-stable~wb6+bullseye~20230927080144 all [upgradable from: 1.0-stable~wb6+bullseye~20230912143005]
root@wirenboard-AW5T5GA4:~# apt upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
Calculating upgrade... Done
The following packages will be upgraded:
  bind9-host bind9-libs libmosquitto1 libmosquittopp1 libwebp6 linux-image-wb6 mosquitto mosquitto-clients wb-configs wb-mqtt-homeui wb-release-info
11 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 27,7 MB of archives.
After this operation, 22,5 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Y
Get:1 http://security.debian.org/debian-security bullseye-security/main armhf mosquitto-clients armhf 2.0.11-1+deb11u1 [110 kB]
Get:2 http://security.debian.org/debian-security bullseye-security/main armhf libmosquittopp1 armhf 2.0.11-1+deb11u1 [58,1 kB]
Get:3 http://deb.wirenboard.com/wb6/bullseye stable/main armhf wb-mqtt-homeui all 2.75.11 [2 570 kB]
Get:4 http://security.debian.org/debian-security bullseye-security/main armhf libmosquitto1 armhf 2.0.11-1+deb11u1 [84,1 kB]
Get:5 http://security.debian.org/debian-security bullseye-security/main armhf mosquitto armhf 2.0.11-1+deb11u1 [254 kB]
Get:6 http://security.debian.org/debian-security bullseye-security/main armhf libwebp6 armhf 0.6.1-2.1+deb11u2 [226 kB]
Get:7 http://security.debian.org/debian-security bullseye-security/main armhf bind9-libs armhf 1:9.16.44-1~deb11u1 [1 309 kB]
Get:8 http://security.debian.org/debian-security bullseye-security/main armhf bind9-host armhf 1:9.16.44-1~deb11u1 [308 kB]
Get:9 http://deb.wirenboard.com/wb6/bullseye stable/main armhf linux-image-wb6 armhf 5.10.35-wb142+wb101 [22,7 MB]
Get:10 http://deb.wirenboard.com/wb6/bullseye stable/main armhf wb-configs all 3.18.5-wb101 [51,4 kB]
Get:11 http://deb.wirenboard.com/wb6/bullseye stable/main armhf wb-release-info all 1.0-stable~wb6+bullseye~20230927080144 [1 660 B]
Fetched 27,7 MB in 8s (3 590 kB/s)
(Reading database ... 37063 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../mosquitto-clients_2.0.11-1+deb11u1_armhf.deb ...
Unpacking mosquitto-clients (2.0.11-1+deb11u1) over (2.0.11-1) ...
Preparing to unpack .../libmosquittopp1_2.0.11-1+deb11u1_armhf.deb ...
Unpacking libmosquittopp1:armhf (2.0.11-1+deb11u1) over (2.0.11-1) ...
Preparing to unpack .../libmosquitto1_2.0.11-1+deb11u1_armhf.deb ...
Unpacking libmosquitto1:armhf (2.0.11-1+deb11u1) over (2.0.11-1) ...
Setting up libmosquitto1:armhf (2.0.11-1+deb11u1) ...
(Reading database ... 37063 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../mosquitto_2.0.11-1+deb11u1_armhf.deb ...
Unpacking mosquitto (2.0.11-1+deb11u1) over (2.0.11-1) ...
Setting up mosquitto (2.0.11-1+deb11u1) ...
(Reading database ... 37063 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../wb-mqtt-homeui_2.75.11_all.deb ...
Unpacking wb-mqtt-homeui (2.75.11) over (2.75.6) ...
Preparing to unpack .../linux-image-wb6_5.10.35-wb142+wb101_armhf.deb ...
Unpacking linux-image-wb6 (5.10.35-wb142+wb101) over (5.10.35-wb142) ...
Setting up linux-image-wb6 (5.10.35-wb142+wb101) ...
(Reading database ... 37063 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../wb-configs_3.18.5-wb101_all.deb ...
Unpacking wb-configs (3.18.5-wb101) over (3.18.5-wb100) ...
Setting up wb-configs (3.18.5-wb101) ...
Installing new version of config file /etc/systemd/system/serial-getty@ttyS0.service.d/override.conf ...
Removing 'diversion of /etc/ssh/sshd_config to /etc/ssh/sshd_config.wb-orig by wb-configs'
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/hostname is not linked to either hostname.wb or hostname.wb-orig
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/fstab is not linked to either fstab.wb or fstab.wb-orig
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/network/interfaces is not linked to either interfaces.wb or interfaces.wb-orig
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/dnsmasq.conf is not linked to either dnsmasq.conf.wb or dnsmasq.conf.wb-orig
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/hostapd.conf is not linked to either hostapd.conf.wb or hostapd.conf.wb-orig
Adding 'diversion of /etc/ssh/sshd_config to /etc/ssh/sshd_config.wb-orig by wb-configs'
Failed to get unit file state for rsyslog.service: No such file or directory
rsyslog is a disabled or a static unit not running, not starting it.

Progress: [ 47%] [######################################################################..................................................................................]

и висим уже мин 10 (

А сам процесс обновления активен и работает?

Да, курсор реагирует, просто висит прогресс бар на 47%. и последняя строка про rsyslog…
WEB тоже доступен и откликается.
в процессах так:
27845 pts/0 00:00:22 apt
через top - apt тоже активен
Прервать через Ctrl-Z можно ?

Прервал. Перезагрузка и попытка завершить приводит к повтору…

root@wirenboard-AW5T5GA4:~# apt upgrade
E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run ‘dpkg --configure -a’ to correct the problem.
root@wirenboard-AW5T5GA4:~# dpkg --configure -a
Setting up libmosquittopp1:armhf (2.0.11-1+deb11u1) …
Setting up mosquitto-clients (2.0.11-1+deb11u1) …
Setting up wb-configs (3.18.5-wb101) …
Removing ‘diversion of /etc/ssh/sshd_config to /etc/ssh/sshd_config.wb-orig by wb-configs’
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/hostname is not linked to either hostname.wb or hostname.wb-orig
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/fstab is not linked to either fstab.wb or fstab.wb-orig
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/network/interfaces is not linked to either interfaces.wb or interfaces.wb-orig
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/dnsmasq.conf is not linked to either dnsmasq.conf.wb or dnsmasq.conf.wb-orig
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/hostapd.conf is not linked to either hostapd.conf.wb or hostapd.conf.wb-orig
Adding ‘diversion of /etc/ssh/sshd_config to /etc/ssh/sshd_config.wb-orig by wb-configs’
Failed to get unit file state for rsyslog.service: No such file or directory
rsyslog is a disabled or a static unit not running, not starting it.

и висим…
Консоль реагирует.

в общем вот эти 5 остались не обновленными:

root@wirenboard-AW5T5GA4:~# apt list --upgradable
Listing… Done
bind9-host/oldstable-security 1:9.16.44-1~deb11u1 armhf [upgradable from: 1:9.16.42-1~deb11u1]
bind9-libs/oldstable-security 1:9.16.44-1~deb11u1 armhf [upgradable from: 1:9.16.42-1~deb11u1]
libwebp6/oldstable-security 0.6.1-2.1+deb11u2 armhf [upgradable from: 0.6.1-2.1+deb11u1]
wb-release-info/stable 1.0-stable~wb6+bullseye~20231003124917 all [upgradable from: 1.0-stable~wb6+bullseye~20230912143005]
wb-rules/stable 2.18.6 armhf [upgradable from: 2.18.5]

Сейчас какой версии?

apt install apt install  wb-release-info=1.0-stable~wb6+bullseye~20231003124917

А откуда у вас oldstable-security репозиторий?

Package: wb-configs
Version: 3.18.5-wb101

Не знаю (… последний апдейт делал через fit образ с 2207

root@wirenboard-AW5T5GA4:~# apt install wb-release-info=1.0-stable~wb6+bullseye~20231003124917
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree… Done
Reading state information… Done
The following packages will be upgraded:
1 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.
2 not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 1 660 B of archives.
After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 http://deb.wirenboard.com/wb6/bullseye stable/main armhf wb-release-info all 1.0-stable~wb6+bullseye~20231003124917 [1 660 B]
Fetched 1 660 B in 0s (4 258 B/s)
Setting up wb-configs (3.18.5-wb101) …
Removing ‘diversion of /etc/ssh/sshd_config to /etc/ssh/sshd_config.wb-orig by wb-configs’
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/hostname is not linked to either hostname.wb or hostname.wb-orig
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/fstab is not linked to either fstab.wb or fstab.wb-orig
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/network/interfaces is not linked to either interfaces.wb or interfaces.wb-orig
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/dnsmasq.conf is not linked to either dnsmasq.conf.wb or dnsmasq.conf.wb-orig
*** OMINOUS WARNING ***: /etc/hostapd.conf is not linked to either hostapd.conf.wb or hostapd.conf.wb-orig
Adding ‘diversion of /etc/ssh/sshd_config to /etc/ssh/sshd_config.wb-orig by wb-configs’
Failed to get unit file state for rsyslog.service: No such file or directory
rsyslog is a disabled or a static unit not running, not starting it.

Progress: [ 11%] [#############…]

и аналогично предыдущему опыту, висим…

А достаточно ли места на разделах?

Да, расширял root при обновлении

root@wirenboard-AW5T5GA4:~# df -m
Filesystem 1M-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 1975 1115 742 61% /
devtmpfs 239 0 239 0% /dev
tmpfs 248 0 248 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 99 2 98 2% /run
tmpfs 5 0 5 0% /run/lock
/dev/mmcblk0p6 4800 2442 2095 54% /mnt/data
tmpfs 50 0 50 0% /run/user/0