После обновление с расширением rootfs пропали устройства

После обновления с 2307 на 2407.

Пропали элетросчётчик Neva 32x, шторы Dooya, датчики WB_MSW (v3).
В serial настройках есть, а в mqtt устройства не обнаруживаются.

Куда смотреть?

Лог обновления

Upload error:

504 Gateway Time-out

504 Gateway Time-out


Received good update FIT /mnt/data/.wb-update/202409030823_wb-2407_bullseye_wb67.fit, starting update

Sat Sep 28 13:56:53 UTC 2024: started update from /mnt/data/.wb-update/202409030823_wb-2407_bullseye_wb67.fit

Description: WirenBoard firmware update
Compatible device: contactless,imx6ul-wirenboard670
Firmware version: 202409030823
Firmware compatible: +single-rootfs +fit-factory-reset +force-repartition +repartition-ramsize-fix +update-from-cloud
Release name: wb-2407
Release suite: stable
Release target: wb6/bullseye
Release repo prefix:
Time of creation: Tue Sep 3 08:25:56 UTC 2024

Checking SHA1 hash of install
SHA1 hash of install ok
Firmware seems to be compatible with this controller
Extracting install script
Running install script
Using flags from /mnt/data/.wb-update/install_update.web.flags: --force-repartition
Console logging enabled; tempfile /tmp/tmp.FRIqNw1c7q, final file /mnt/data/.wb-update/wb-console.log will be written on exit
32+0 records in
32+0 records out
16384 bytes (16 kB, 16 KiB) copied, 0.0130276 s, 1.3 MB/s
tar: stdout: write error
Firmware seems to be compatible with this controller
Checking SHA1 hash of rootfs
SHA1 hash of rootfs ok
rootfs is valid, installing firmware update
fit_info: Can’t read /tmp/tmp.9zJNeLYlJF/.wb-restore/factoryreset.fit: Invalid argument
Storing this update as factory FIT to use as bootlet
Old factory FIT will be kept as factoryreset.original.fit and will still be used to restore firmware
Flashed U-boot version is too old, updating it before reboot
Das U-Boot installer for Wiren Board
You are about to install U-boot image ‘/usr/lib/u-boot/mx6ul_wirenboard6/u-boot-with-spl.imx’ on ‘/dev/mmcblk0’ (platform wb6)
Force installation requested
Writing U-boot image ‘/usr/lib/u-boot/mx6ul_wirenboard6/u-boot-with-spl.imx’ on ‘/dev/mmcblk0’ (options ‘bs=512 seek=2’)
831+1 records in
831+1 records out
425816 bytes (426 kB, 416 KiB) copied, 1.04736 s, 407 kB/s
Syncing device
Watch logs in the debug console, or in /mnt/data/.wb-update/state/update.log
Rebooting system to install update
Waiting for Wiren Board to boot again…
Reboot system
Installation logs:
%%% Console logging enabled; tempfile /tmp/tmp.yWZLxc, final file /mnt/data/.wb-update/wb-console.log will be written on exit
%%% Extend tmpfs size to whole RAM
%%% Remount tmpfs in /tmp with size=498M
%%% Maybe update factoryreset.fit to fix tmpfs size issue at 512M RAM (with emmc update)
%%% Factoryreset.fit already includes a fix for the 512MB RAM repartition issue (repartition-ramsize-fix compatibility)
%%% Firmware seems to be compatible with this controller
%%% Checking SHA1 hash of rootfs
%%% SHA1 hash of rootfs ok
%%% rootfs is valid, installing firmware update
%%% Enlarging first rootfs partition
%%% Mounting partition before calling e2fsck to renew mount time
%%% Checking and repairing filesystem on /dev/mmcblk0p2
%%% Temp toolpath: /tmp/tmp.rV9eQN
%%% Backing up old MBR (and partition table)
%%% Creating a new parition table
%%% New disk dump will be saved in /tmp/tmp.244Bfp
%%% Unmounting /mnt/data and saving its mountpoint
%%% Expanding filesystem on this partition
%%% Repartition is done!
%%% rootfs enlarged!
%%% Configuring environment for repartitioned eMMC
%%% Will install to /dev/mmcblk0p2
%%% Debian: → bullseye
%%% Cleaning up /dev/mmcblk0p2
%%% Cleaning up using rsync
%%% Mounting /dev/mmcblk0p2 at /tmp/tmp.tSw4wl
%%% Extracting files to new rootfs
%%% Recovering device certificates
%%% Mount /dev, /proc and /sys to rootfs /tmp/tmp.tSw4wl
%%% Running post-install scripts
%%% > Processing /tmp/tmp.tSw4wl/usr/lib/wb-image-update/postinst/10update-u-boot
%%% > Processing /tmp/tmp.tSw4wl/usr/lib/wb-image-update/postinst/10update-wbec-firmware
%%% Unmounting /dev, /proc and /sys from rootfs /tmp/tmp.tSw4wl
%%% Switching to new rootfs
%%% Done!
%%% Removing FIT /mnt/data/.wb-update/webupd.fit
%%% Unmounting rootfs
%%% Reboot system
%%% (reboot)

Вроде разобрался, почему-то задвоилась шина но с другой битностью для неё у меня было поставлено 1 вместо 2 (которое по умолчанию).
Отключил ту под которой ничего нет и всё заработало.
Обнаружил это случайно в логах wb-mqtt-serial