события развивались следующим образом:
при обновлении контроллера (6.8) со старого теста (Stretch) на новый через ssh - возникла сначала ошибка с репозиториями - исправил, запустил обнову - уперся в нехватку места - сделал
apt-get autoremove, apt-get autoclean, journalctl --vacuum-time=1d и удалил vim runtime
после этого обнова прошла, но в конце выдала ошибку, что 3 сервиса не работают — вот тут я сохранить лог, какие именно. попробовал перейти на стабильную ветку - так же выдал ошибку на нерабочие сервисы. после этого попробовал сделать полный сброс через флешку.
с флешки контроллер увидел прошивку, но до звуковых сигналов не доходит - перезагружается.
в общем махнул контроллер на подменный и забрал домой с ним разбираться через debug.
тут интересный момент: контроллер полежал сутки и при первой подаче питания загрузился (по индикации светодиода) - образовался, подкинул флешку с прошивкой и он опять ушел в цикл ((
в общем в debug выдает следующее:
без флешки:
U-Boot SPL 2017.03-wb1.3.0-g520058c326 (Jan 18 2022 - 10:56:38)
DRAM init ok, rows:15, ncs:1, size: 512MB
.p0_mpdgctrl0 = 0x01090109
.p0_mpdgctrl1 = 0x0e3f0e3f
.p0_mprddlctl = 0x3f3f3c41
.p0_mpwrdlctl = 0x3f3f3836
.p0_mpwldectrl0 = 0x0005000b
.p0_mpwldectrl1 = 0x000c000c
Trying to boot from MMC1
Warning - USDHC2 controller not supporting
U-Boot 2017.03-wb1.3.0-g520058c326 (Jan 18 2022 - 10:56:38 +0000)
CPU: Freescale i.MX6ULL rev1.1 792 MHz (running at 396 MHz)
CPU: Industrial temperature grade (-40C to 105C) at 32C
Reset cause: POR
Model: Wiren Board rev. 6.1 (i.MX6UL)
Board: Wiren Board MX6UL
DRAM: 512 MiB
Using default environment
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: eth0: ethernet@02188000
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
Checking if there is a USB storage with update file wb6_update.fit
dev: usb1_vbus @ regulator@0
starting USB...
scanning bus 0 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found
scanning bus 1 for devices... EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80008c80
unable to get device descriptor (error=-1)
1 USB Device(s) found
scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
No storage devices, perhaps not 'usb start'ed..?
No USB update detected, continuing boot
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc0(part 0) is current device
SD/MMC found on device 0
324 bytes read in 69 ms (3.9 KiB/s)
Importing environment from 0x82000000...
Checking if uenvcmd is set ...
Running default loadzimage ...
6304344 bytes read in 6154 ms (1000 KiB/s)
MMC read: dev # 0, block # 2016, count 32 ... 32 blocks read: OK
Reading overlays list from eMMC
Reading factory fdt name from eMMC
Loading factory fdt imx6ul-wirenboard680
47686 bytes read in 114 ms (408.2 KiB/s)
** ex
U-Boot SPL 2017.03-wb1.3.0-g520058c326 (Jan 18 2022 - 10:56:38)
DRAM init ok, rows:15, ncs:1, size: 512MB
.p0_mpdgctrl0 = 0x01090109
.p0_mpdgctrl1 = 0x0e3f0e3f
.p0_mprddlctl = 0x3f3f3e43
.p0_mpwrdlctl = 0x3f3f3733
.p0_mpwldectrl0 = 0x0005000b
.p0_mpwldectrl1 = 0x000c000c
Trying to boot from MMC1
Warning - USDHC2 controller not supporting
С флешкой:
U-Boot 2017.03-wb1.3.0-g520058c326 (Jan 18 2022 - 10:56:38 +0000)
CPU: Freescale i.MX6ULL rev1.1 792 MHz (running at 396 MHz)
CPU: Industrial temperature grade (-40C to 105C) at 35C
Reset cause: POR
Model: Wiren Board rev. 6.1 (i.MX6UL)
Board: Wiren Board MX6UL
DRAM: 512 MiB
Using default environment
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: eth0: ethernet@02188000
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
Checking if there is a USB storage with update file wb6_update.fit
dev: usb1_vbus @ regulator@0
starting USB...
scanning bus 0 for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found
scanning bus 1 for devices... EHCI timed out on TD - token=0x80008c80
unable to get device descriptor (error=-1)
1 USB Device(s) found
scanning usb for storage devices... 1 Storage Device(s) found
Device 0: Vendor: General Rev: 5.00 Prod: UDisk
Type: Removable Hard Disk
Capacity: 60000.0 MB = 58.5 GB (122880000 x 512)
reading wb6_update.fit
** Unable to read file wb6_update.fit **
reading wb6_update_FACTORYRESET.fit
1 bytes read in 36 ms (0 Bytes/s)
# Detected USB flash drive with update file
# Filename: wb6_update_FACTORYRESET.fit
# Press a FW key if you want to update firmware from this file
# or wait 3 seconds to boot normally.
USB update procedure start
Checking if ubootenv part is present
## Loading FIT header to 0x82000000 ...
reading wb6_update_FACTORYRESET.fit
## Loading FIT strings to 0x82000028 ...
reading wb6_update_FACTORYRESET.fit
## Loading FIT struct to 0x82000100 ...
reading wb6_update_FACTORYRESET.fit
Skip 7928976 bytes of data
reading wb6_update_FACTORYRESET.fit
FAT: Misaligned buffer address (8200042c)
Skip 46505 bytes of data
reading wb6_update_FACTORYRESET.fit
Skip 7066 bytes of data
Skip 205932279 bytes of data
reading wb6_update_FACTORYRESET.fit
** wb6_update_FACTORYRESET.fit shorter than offset + len **
Can't find subimage 'ubootenv'
Extracting kernel
## Loading FIT header to 0x82000000 ...
reading wb6_update_FACTORYRESET.fit
## Loading FIT strings to 0x82000028 ...
reading wb6_update_FACTORYRESET.fit
## Loading FIT struct to 0x82000100 ...
reading wb6_update_FACTORYRESET.fit
reading wb6_update_FACTORYRESET.fit
7945616 bytes read in 4626 ms (1.6 MiB/s)
Description: Update kernel
Type: Kernel Image
Compression: uncompressed
Data Start: 0x82000300
Data Size: 7928976 Bytes = 7.6 MiB
Architecture: ARM
OS: Linux
Load Address: unavailable
Entry Point: unavailable
Hash algo: sha1
Hash value: 47f6419e0d5d8326c41b16761827dc3d746fec78
## Verifying ... sha1
U-Boot SPL 2017.03-wb1.3.0-g520058c326 (Jan 18 2022 - 10:56:38)
DRAM init ok, rows:15, ncs:1, size: 512MB
.p0_mpdgctrl0 = 0x01090109
.p0_mpdgctrl1 = 0x0e3f0e3f
.p0_mprddlctl = 0x3f3f3e41
.p0_mpwrdlctl = 0x3f3f3733
.p0_mpwldectrl0 = 0x0005000b
.p0_mpwldectrl1 = 0x000c000c
Trying to boot from MMC1
Warning - USDHC2 controller not supporting